フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ライフスタイル ]
*** Special offer SALE - for a limited time only. *** "My Dear Diary HD with GPS" is a mobile diary that you can always carry with you on your iPhone or iPod touch. This is the easiest way to record your thoughts, inspirations and feelings wherever you are. We've even added GPS awareness so the app can automatically save the address/location where you were when you create each journal entry in your diary. First app on the App Store to do this! Most successful people have a private diary to improve themselves. Download and star...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
ようこそDating(デーティング)へ! 本アプリは新感覚でマッチングを実現できる恋愛SNSです。 日常を投稿してお相手の共感を貰ったり、目的のお相手を厳選して「きになる!」のサインを送ることができます! ふとした日常から恋愛がはじまるきっかけづくりになることを願って企画されたコンテンツとなります。 「きになる!」されたお相手が「ありがとう」するとマッチングは成立です。 その後はご自由にお二人だけのチャットで仲良くなってください! 【簡単設計で使いやすい】 気になる投稿画像を「きになる」したり、自分の投稿に「きになる」された相手のプロフィールを見...
[ ゲーム ]
"めいこい"こと"明治東亰恋伽"は、女性向け恋愛アドベンチャーゲーム(乙女ゲーム)です。 携帯サイト「アニメロミックス」にて配信中の本作がついにスマホアプリ化! 豪華声優陣が贈る音声ドラマ、読み応えのあるシナリオ、華やかなイラストによる最上級の乙女ゲームをお楽しみください!! ごく普通の女子高生である主人公は、妖しげな奇術師の手によって明治時代へとタイムスリップ!? そこで主人公は、森鴎外や小泉八雲といった歴史上の人物と出会います。 奇術師の策略。本当なら出会うはずのない男性達。 時空を越えた愛…はたしてその結末は? 各キャラクターは2キャラ1組の...
[ ゲーム ]
ノベルゲーム『ATRI -My Dear Moments-』がApp Storeに登場! ■STORY 原因不明の海面上昇によって、地表の多くが海に沈んだ近未来。 幼い頃の事故によって片足を失った少年・斑鳩(いかるが)夏生(なつき)は、都市での暮らしに見切りを付け、海辺の田舎町へと移り住んだ。 身よりのない彼に遺されたのは、 海洋地質学者だった祖母の船と潜水艇、そして借金。 夏生は“失った未来”を取り戻すため、謎の借金取り・キャサリンと共に、祖母の遺産が眠るという海底の倉庫を目指して潜る。 そこで見つけたのは、 棺のような装置の中で眠る不思議な少女――アトリ。 彼女は、人間と見...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
▶ Embrace the Divine Connection: A Beacon of Hope with "Rosary.Today" app My dear brothers and sisters in faith, I stand before you as a humble servant of God, blessed to introduce you to a spiritual journey like no other. "Rosary.Today" app is here to be your unwavering companion, guiding you through the sacred realms of daily Mass, the Holy Rosary, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Together, we shall embark on a path of devotion, hope, and unwavering faith. In this fast-paced world, it's all too easy to lose sight of what truly ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Dear parents, We at Kids TV know that the first years of a child’s education are of utmost importance, as they are very restless and energetic preschoolers. Kids TV is the perfect way to ensure a rounded education for your child outside kindergarten. Through our compilations of 3D animated kids rhymes and educational videos, we introduce your toddlers to a variety of English rhymes, baby songs, and nursery rhymes that they have learned like: - Humpty Dumpty - Incy Wincy Spider - Johnny Johnny Yes Papa ...
[ ゲーム ]
Long time no see, honey! This is your loveable Princess Libby and I'm back with great news! Tah-Daaah! I have been admitted to "Dream School"! Have you heard about this magnificent place? Well, let's go and check it out! Amazing~ I have never seen such a beautiful school before! Can you believe it? Anyway, seeing is absolutely believing! Dear, to tell you the truth, I am really on the edge of my seat now since this is my first time to walk out from my palace. But it's great to have you by my side! Come on! Let's go and have super ...
[ ゲーム ]
ATTENTION! IT'S NOT FREE FOR A WHILE WE HAVE GOT THE LIMITED NUMBER OF GIFT CODES AND WILL BE GLAD TO SHARE WITH YOU. ========================================= About 50 000 people around the world have already been playing this game on iOS. And now it's also available on Mac. ======================================== This memory game is designed for memory training or just for relaxing and enjoying. Most probably once you’ve started to play this game, you will want to play it again and again, and it’s good for your brain. Dear cust...
[ ゲーム ]
Adorable angels, do you have a hankering for the perfect wedding ceremony, gorgeous dress and unique ring? Check out Libii's Wedding Salon 2 and it may be right up your alley! There's nothing more romantic than an unforgettable wedding. The stunningly beautiful dress, makeup and jewelries here can bring out the best in the bride. The unprecedented look of the groom is sure to take your breath away. And the couple will make a promise together to hold each other's hands and grow old forever. On top of that, they will usher in their ...
[ ゲーム ]
“The forest floor has never been more deadly or more fun.” – IGN “It’s hard not to get sucked into Mushroom Wars once you start playing, and you’ll certainly never look at that portabella on your plate ever again without the urge to send it charging into battle.” – Gamezebo Space Tournament takes place just once in a million years, and the moment has come! Play now, take part in great online battles, earn Tournament Experience and get awards in Mushroom Wars... and Mushroom Wars 2! Aye, all participants of the Space Tournament wil...
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