フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Do you often hear stories about haunted castles? One day, Red Ball accidentally gets lost in a castle haunted by spirits. Everything’s getting darker and darker, preventing Ball from seeing the way through. Bang! Bang!!! Unknown entities are approaching from the darkness and surrounding him. Quickly running through the long corridors, secret rooms and finding the divine lamps to light up can keep Ball safe temporarily. Absolutely making the most of mysterious items along the way to quickly repel these evil spirits and become a ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
◇◇本作品は最後まで無料で楽しむことができます!!◇◇ ◇◇クトゥルフ神話をテーマとして扱った「恋愛アップドラマ」です!!◇◇ ◇◇主人公はアナタ自身!自身が主人公となり、クトゥルフ神話の神々との恋愛を体験できます!!◇◇ ■■あらすじ■■ 平凡な人生を歩んでいたアナタ。 そんなある日、住んでいた街が炎に覆われ、何者かに命を狙われてしまう。 絶体絶命のピンチに、アナタの目の前に現れたのはクトゥルフ神話の神々だった。 邪神クトゥガを封印する旅に力を貸して欲しいと言われるアナタ。 人類の未来を守るため、そして両親の復讐のためアナタは覚悟を決めてクトゥガを封...
[ ゲーム ]
★★★ Special 99c pricing to celebrate this gorgeous game's launch. Limited time only! ★★★ ★ Nominated for Develop Brighton Indie Showcase, Game Connection Selected Project, Independent Propeller Awards and IMGA Best Casual Game! ★ What the press are saying about CreaVures, this quality puzzle platformer: "I truly recommend this game to any gamer as it’s fun, original and a truly amazing experience that everyone will enjoy a huge amount." — App-Score, 10/10 "...this is one of those platformers that you simply have to try." — Ap...
[ ゲーム ]
Quỷ Kiếm 3D (World of Darkness) – là game ARPG Full HD 1080p gây sốt toàn Đông Nam Á, nay đã có phiên bản Việt. "Đây là tựa game ARPG gây sốt Đông Nam Á năm 2015, được đánh giá cao bởi đồ họa đẹp, hiệu ứng skill bắt mắt cùng những combo skill hoành tráng không thua kém gì game PC" - Trang tin GameNoob.vn "Nói tóm lại, World of darkness là game nhập vai hấp dẫn với thiết kế nhân vật, đồ họa 3D cực kỳ đẹp mắt cùng cách chơi thú vị, bạn sẽ được hòa mình vào không khí chiến đấu với hơn 120 BOSS trong ngục tối, game thủ sẽ đắm chìm và...
[ ゲーム ]
Your friend has gotten involved with dark forces and needs your help. Save them in this challenging Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game! • A TOWN TRANSFORMS IN DARKNESS With the change of light and dark, comes a full change to the landscape. Journey between the two to solve the mysteries within! • STOP A DARK RITUAL! After getting involved with a story involving the dark forces, your friend is kidnapped by three dark priests who are looking to sacrifice him! • ILLUMINATE THE ANSWERS Jump in to this incredible gameplay, solving p...
[ ゲーム ]
One of the Best iPhone and iPad Games of 2012: Action- TouchArcade Pocket Tactics' Action Game of the Year! God of Blades now fills your iPhone 5 screen with gorgeous, sword-swinging pulp fantasy!  5/5 TouchArcade! "The tortured, veiny world the art conjures and the surreal music it uses to bolster its paranoid sci-fi vibe are both riveting aspects that suck you into a surreal universe and doesn't let go." 8/10 Edge Magazine! "God Of Blades enhances its glorious alien bloodshed with lavish presentation that blends the pulp sen...
[ ゲーム ]
A portal opens - forbidden darkness spills forth. The magical world of Witch Arcana awakens, needing your power. Embark on an unforgettable journey full of enchanting characters, choices and stories - not to forget strategy! Adventure games meets RTS Strategy with just the right amount of witchcraft and wizardry! Meet exciting characters with unique personalities that match their unique narrative storylines as much as their retro chic outfits! It's sorcery meets style or vintage fashion meets fantasy! Become part of their next ch...
[ ブック ]
素晴らしいデジタル電子書籍の読書体験で人気の古典小説を無料でお楽しみください!小説ハブアプリは、さまざまなテーマとフォントで人気の英文学を集めました。このアプリは、ロマンス、歴史小説、ファンタジー、アドベンチャー、SF、推理小説、ホラー/ゴシックフィクションなど、さまざまなジャンルを提供します。 Enjoy popular classic novels with great digital eBooks reading experience for free! ClassicReads has collected popular English literature with a variety of themes and fonts. This app provides you with numerous genres including Romance, Histo...
[ ゲーム ]
The game-play story begins with Satan's exploration of Aya's soul; with graphics in grainy black and white to signal that it is a inescapable nightmare. Armed with a storm lantern, light as friend, Aya enters the world of evil.Subsequently after the nightmare, Aya will get attacked by many of the evil spirits of Satan, which he successfully wards off with the deadly 13 nightmares of his evil maze. Aya needs to escape the 13 nightmares and free her soul from the darkness caused by the curse of Satan. Will you help her? Highlights...
[ ゲーム ]
Play the trial for FREE! Pay once & complete the adventure! After arriving home for a typical family dinner, all hopes of a nice and quiet meal are crushed as soon as you open the door. Your mom and sister are under the spell of some mysterious witch, who has awakened a darkness that could destroy your entire family. Cassandra the witch has kidnapped your sister for her nefarious plans, and it’s up to you to save the day! • YOUR TIME IS RUNNING OUT! The witches’ spell has you aging at an incredible rate. If you can’t find and de...
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