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[ ライフスタイル ]
Dear M 衣櫥是Emma&Miffy兩個愛漂亮的女生,想將生活時尚,簡單舒適,童心童趣以一家人衣櫥的概念,進入穿衣間小宇宙,滿足喜歡優雅,質感,流行,時尚,可愛的你~因為有著想帶給你幸福的夢想而有了Dear M 衣櫥。 -------------------------- [ Dear M 衣櫥 - 店家資訊 ] 客服電話:(07)2018898 E-MAIL:dearm20150701@gmail.com 營業時間:週二至週日 13:00~22:00 (週一休) 店鋪位置:高雄市苓雅區光明街82號。(漢神百貨本館斜對面,珠寶店旁。) 【功能】 ● 商店首頁 ● 會員中心 ● 新品上市 ● 特價商品 ● 訊息通知 ● 商品比較 ● 好康活動 ● FB粉絲團 ● 商店介紹 ● 購物說明 ...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Say hello to the Hello Kitty & Dear Daniel: Love Pack! Spread the love with Hello Kitty & Dear Daniel! Customize your conversations and make your iMessages supercute with these 21 stickers + 12 animated stickers! 3 Ways to Share: 1. iMessage App Drawer — tap sticker to send as new iMessage or hold sticker to peel, re-size and post on chat bubbles 2. App on Home Screen — open app on your phone, tap sticker and select the desired messaging platform 3. Keyboard Extension — tap globe icon to toggle to keyboard, tap sticker to copy a...
[ ブック ]
For a child who is blessed with love of God, “Dear God Kids” From spiritually nurturing classic book series, “Dear God Question” First time ever as an application! “Dear God, why do I get sick with the flu?” “Dear God, my brother makes me mad!” “Dear God, do you ever take a break?” So many questions children ask God! Now, answer them with “Dear God Kids”! “Dear God Kids” is filled with 96 vary questions that children could ask God, guide words, and related Bible verses. It encourages children to visit God everyday by offering on...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Download the Dear Madame Walker Ltd App today to plan and schedule your appointments! From this mobile App you can view schedules, book appointments, view ongoing promotions, as well as view our location and contact information. You can also click through to our social pages! Optimize your time and maximize the convenience of booking your appointments from your device! Download this App today Welcome to Dear Madame Walker Hair Salon! Currently, we are creating magic in the beautiful Colorado Springs, where every service is professi...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Have immediate access to your favorite hair stylists and hair colorists in the heart of Uptown Dallas directly on McKinney Ave with the new Dear Clark app FEATURES: 1. Book Appointments. The easiest way to book appointments is directly through your phone. Once your appointment is booked, you’ll receive notification a confirmation email. You will also receive an email appointment reminder and (if you opt-in) an appointment reminder via text message. 2. View Appointments and add services and special requests to your appointment ...
[ ブック ]
For a child who is blessed with love of God, “Dear God Kids” From spiritually nurturing classic book series, “Dear God Question” First time ever as an application! “Dear God, why do I get sick with the flu?” “Dear God, my brother makes me mad!” “Dear God, do you ever take a break?” So many questions children ask God! Now, answer them with “Dear God Kids”! “Dear God Kids” is filled with 96 vary questions that children could ask God, guide words, and related Bible verses. It encourages children to visit God everyday by offering on...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
プレゼントように届く推しのメッセージと過ごす素敵な1日 推しと私の二人っきりのプライベートメッセージ 推しからのメッセージを逃したくなければ今すぐbubbleを始めてみましょう! -------------- [サービスの紹介] 01. 推しの日常話 私の名前を呼んでくれるStarからの特別な日常のメッセージをもらってみましょう! 02. 推しのオリジナルコンテンツ Starが直接送るオリジナルコンテンツを受信できます。 03. 推しが返信を待ってます。 Starに愛とエールを込めたメッセージを送ってみましょう! 04. 推しと私だけの記念日 今日から1日目! Starと私だけの記念日を確認し...
[ ライフスタイル ]
We hope you have much fun with our new App, designed especially for you – our loyal customers. Here, at "Dear Beauty", we aim to offer you the most professional service and a truly memorable experience. Our staff is highly trained, very friendly and well prepared to meet your highest expectations. With us you will feel more relaxed, content, purified, beautiful, harmonious and, of course, more confident! Dear Beauty  is a partner of MyHighStreet network - creating local digital highstreets. Any feedback on usability of our App w...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
DEAR(ディア―) 公式店舗アプリです! −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− アプリ機能紹介 メイン機能 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ▼最新情報お届け 最新のお知らせはもちろん、限定のお得情報がアプリに届きます。会員のみなさまに合わせた情報をプッシュ通知にて配信します。 ▼スタンプ貯まります ご利用の際にアプリをご提示ください。 アプリ内にスタンプが貯められます。 たくさん貯めていただくと次回使える特典をご用意しております。 ▼お得なクーポン アプリを持っていると限定のクーポンが発行されます。 いつもよりお得に使える限定ものから...
[ 雑誌/新聞 ]
Nuestra razón de ser Premisa: si las revistas masculinas que se editan en España hacen gala de una sacrosanta heterosexualidad, tan irreal como rancia, hagamos nosotros una revista masculina –que quiere decir para hombres– en la que quepan todos los hombres, y cuando decimos todos queremos decir: to-dos. Ergo… si eres gay y las masculinas oficiales no te tienen en cuenta, abierta y directamente, estás de enhorabuena: aquí tienes Dear Magazine. Si eres hetero y pasas olímpicamente del movimiento #heterochungo estás de enhorabuena:...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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