フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ステッカー ]
Raise your messages from the dead and sink your teeth into these delightful, hand crafted illustrations destined to bring your messages to a superhuman level! Designed and Illustrated by Claudia Favilli --- Claudia is an illustrator, designer and comics artist know for her delightful work for Italian publisher Calzetti Marinucci among others. --- See and learn more about M2 Sticker Packs at www.M2.ninja/stickers
[ ファイナンス ]
Journal of Tax Practice and Procedure is now available on the iPad! The first journal devoted entirely to the complex area of tax practice and procedure, this CCH publication offers practical, timely analysis of current issues and trends in the representation of taxpayers before the IRS, from initial contact through litigation. The Journal emphasizes taxpayer advocacy and the protection of taxpayer and representative rights, analyzes legislative and regulatory changes, and highlights industry shifts that present taxpayer represent...
[ エンターテインメント ]
PoW is gonna be your best bud next time you’re at your local comic book store. No matter if DC, Marvel or Image, don’t miss any new Issues of your favourite books. The app shows you this and the next weeks comics so you can easily compose your pull list. Oh and you can see your last weeks buys as well. With only as much as a few taps your pull list is loaded and ready to go hit the stores on new comic book day. Once in the store you can easily check off your purchases and enjoy the good feeling of not having to worry if there sti...
[ ブック ]
A Menina e o Golfinho Editora Galpão (2013) Autor: Anna Claudia Ramos Ilustrador: Rubem Filho Desenvolvido por Cia de Desenho A Editora Galpãozinho, ampliando sua linha de produtos infantojuvenis, lança seu segundo título, A menina e o golfinho. Após um tremendo susto com um tubarão, Nuno, sua família e os outros golfinhos nadam para muito perto da beira da praia e, despreocupados, são pegos de surpresa pela maré baixa, encalhando na areia. Jade e seu pai têm uma emocionante e importante tarefa: desencalhar todos os golfinhos...
[ 写真/ビデオ ]
NUE MORTE, 2012 Augmented-Reality Porcelain Dish, produced by SEEK-ART Nue Morte is a special Augmented Reality app designed to accompany the limited edition plate-set, Nue Morte (Claudia Hart, 2012), distributed by Seek-Art. It is part of a series of limited edition Augmented Reality Art furnishings by Claudia Hart and Geoffrey Alan Rhodes, Chamber of Dreams. When launched, the app recognizes a decorative pattern inscribed on an elegant bone-china dinner plate and displays a custom-authored video projection that seems to be a p...
[ スポーツ ]
Ski heil! Der erste Schnee fällt und sofort ist es da, das Gefühl auf den Berg zu müssen. Bleibt immer nur eines zu klären: Sind die Pisten geöffnet und die Lifte in Betrieb? Einmal Harzschnee aufrufen und los kann es (hoffentlich) gehen! Die App zeig kurz und knapp die Wintersportverhältnisse in den beliebtesten Skigebieten im Harz an. Temperaturen, Schneehöhen und vor allem der Betrieb der verschiedenen Lifte wird angezeigt. Also dann, App holen, Bedingungen checken und ab auf die Piste! Vielleicht sehen wir uns sogar irgendwo...
[ 教育 ]
Castel Sant'Angelo è uno dei monumenti più emblematici di Roma. La sua storia si intreccia fortemente con quella della città eterna e ne scandisce alcuni degli eventi più significativi. Questa guida vi accompagnerà in un percorso complesso e affascinante alla scoperta dei tesori artistici e delle storie di quel che fu il mausoleo di Adriano. La passeggiata dura all'incirca 2 ore. Dall'introduzione Castel Sant’Angelo che domina il panorama di Roma con la sua imponente mole, è uno dei monumenti simbolo della città, innalzato sull...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
Established in 2013, The quality of our final products will prevail above anything else. Quality, Craftsmanship, Service Sergio Catalina Bellmónt and Claudia Romero are the owners on site of Bellmónt. Parents of 5 children (4 boys and 1 girl) Sergio was born in Madrid, Spain, and Claudia in Lima, Peru. They met in Miami, got married, and live in the United States since more than a decade. Thanks to the unconditional support of Sergio's brothers Ivan and Igór (owners as well), were able to materialized the opening of Bellmónt. ...
[ 教育 ]
TumbleBooks goes mobile! Zoe Sophia’s Scrapbook, written by Claudia Mauner and Elisa Smalley, and illustrated by Claudia Mauner – from TumbleBooks!! TumbleBooksToGo is excited to offer a classic animated picture book in one convenient app bundle for only $1.99. Zoe Sophia’s Scrapbook Published by Chronicle Books Adventurous Zoe Sophia and her dog, Mickey, embark on a whirlwind trip to Venice to visit her great aunt Dorothy Pomander. During her stay, Zoe Sophia sees the sites, explores the city and bonds with her wonderful, quir...
[ 教育 ]
Teaching your children to read is so important and the benefits are enormous. This app will help you teach your kids to read with its 112 easy to follow fun videos. The app has many easy to use features: The kids will love being entertained while they learn at the same time!! Take The Guided Tour to see how you can... *** play the lessons *** alter the lesson title *** alter the lesson description *** add your own user notes *** give your own rating to each lesson *** skip backwards and forwards between the lesson group...
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