フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ビジネス ]
An OnBase® ECM Solution is required. Citrix Ready.
Features available are dependent on the OnBase Application Server version. Using familiar touchscreen gestures, users can:
Version 10.0.1 or greater:
- Browse and access Workflow at their convenience
- View, zoom and navigate multi-page documents and keywords
- Execute Workflow Ad-Hoc tasks
- Add, view, edit and delete OnBase Notes
Version 11 or greater
- Execute searches with OnBase Custom Queries
Version 12 or greater:
- View, Edit, and Save E-Forms and Unity Forms ...
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[ ビジネス ]
Splashtop for AirWatch with SplashApp mobilizes corporate applications and desktops instantly and enables BYOD - must be used with AirWatch MDM Agent.
Splashtop for AirWatch is a much simpler, higher performing, and cost-effective alternative to Citrix. It enables IT departments to deliver corporate apps and desktops (physical and virtual) to tablets, smartphones, PCs, Macs, and thin clients. It supports Microsoft and VDI infrastructures including RDP / RDS / Remoteapp / Terminal Services, VMWare, Vsphere, and Citrix Xenserver. ...
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[ ビジネス ]
Cubefree App takes away the hassle of finding great workspaces outside your cubicle, like cafes with Wi-Fi, libraries, and co-working spaces. Cubefree will let you know before you go if there’s fast Wi-Fi, enough power outlets, a good noise level and easy parking.
Live in a busy city? Secure a seat at a crowded café with Wi-Fi before you go.
Need a “work buddy” so you can step away to the coffee counter or restroom? Cubefree will help you connect with your colleagues or other mobile workers so they can keep an eye on your laptop....
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[ ビジネス ]
Citrix Files for Intune helps people exchange files easily, safely and professionally, while integrating seamlessly with Microsoft Intune managed applications.
Designed for business, Citrix Files is a file manager that offers secure data sharing and storage, customizable usage and settings, award-winning customer service and tools that allow you to collaborate more easily and get your work done from any device — any time, anywhere.
Citrix Files for Microsoft Intune protects and simplifies users’ workflows by reducing the need to ...
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[ ビジネス ]
DABCC Radio is a conversational themed IT News podcast hosted by Douglas Brown, MVP, CTP, vEXPERT. Douglas interviews the who’s of the Citrix, Microsoft, VMware, cloud, desktop, EUC, mobility, security, storage, and virtualization world today!
The DABCC Radio: Cloud & Virtualization Podcast app was designed to allow you to listen to each podcast from the comfort of your own iPhone!
DABCC Radio is hosted by Douglas A. Brown, MVP, CTP, vEXPERT
Douglas Brown is the Founder and President of DABCC, Inc. Doug has more than 20 years o...
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[ ビジネス ]
Liquidware Labs ™ ist einer der Markführer für Assessment und User Experience Management bei der Einführung physischer und virtueller Desktops der nächsten Generation, einschließlich VMware View, Citrix XenDesktop, und Microsoft Windows 7 bzw. Windows 8. Die Unternehmenslösungen Stratusphere ™ und ProfileUnity ™ wurden von Analysten als die branchenweit erste "On-Ramp zu VDI" bezeichnet, und bieten eine vollständige Methodik und Software, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, ihre Desktop-Infrastruktur der nächsten Generation wirtschaftli...
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[ ビジネス ]
Genius Scanはポケット内のスキャナーです。外出先でも紙の文書を迅速にスキャンし、複数ページのPDFファイルとしてエクスポートします。
*** Apple App of the Week*** 2,000 万人以上のユーザー *** 数千社のスモールビジネスが利用***
デバイスのカメラの前に文書を置いてください: スキャナーアプリが背景から用紙を自動的に認識してトリミングを実行します。読みやすい、明瞭なスキャンが出力されます。一括スキャンでは、数十枚のページをあっという間にスキャンすることができます。また、強力なツールを使って文書を整理、共有、およびアーカイブできます。
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[ ビジネス ]
何年もの間、Office2 Plusは、iPhoneとiPod Touchで利用可能な最も信頼性が高く、簡単なオフィス文書のツールでした、開くことが容易になり、ビューの作成、およびWord、Excelを編集し、PowerPointは、デバイスから右のファイル!
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