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[ フード/ドリンク ]
Ciao Amore Ristorante is an Italian BYOB Restaurant located in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood. We have been recognized by Michelin awards and voted Best BYOB and Best Italian by the Chicago Reader 2012. Ciao Amore has been featured on WGN TV Chicago's Best and Spanish TV Show Despierta America. We are a supporter of the local art community and a big supporter of the Pilsen neighborhood.
[ 旅行 ]
Art& Grafica con il progetto "Ciao In" propone un viaggio attraverso le bellezze del Veneto ed una raccolta dei principali esercizi commerciali a carattere turistico, tutti georeferenziati ed adeguatamente raccolti in macrocategorie, per comune di appartenenza. Quello che differenzia "Ciao In Veneto" da molte altre applicazioni tematiche è la presenza di un accurato sistema di georefernziazione dei punti di interesse: in un click il vostro smartphone sarà in grado di darvi distanza e tempi di percorrenza dei punti di interesse tur...
[ 教育 ]
Welcome to iLoveLingo's Ciao Italian Course for the iPhone & iPod Touch! Whether you want to learn basic Italian for your vacation or seriously study the language, our Italian Course will get you to your goal. This package contains lessons 1-5, starting from the very beginning to booking a hotel room. (*) NOTE: There is a separate version for the iPad at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ciao-italian-course-ilovelingo/id428846539?- mt=8# General Features: - Easy, fun and fast, yet comprehensive. - 5 rapidly advancing lesso...
[ ビジネス ]
Ciao!Ciao! is een modern en sfeervol Italiaans restaurant met traditionele koks in de keuken. Met al hun passie voor eten fabriceren zij de meest geweldige gerechten. Uitsluitend wordt er met dagverse producten gewerkt, hierbij rekening houdend met het seizoen. Naasst de vaste menukaart kunt u zich ook laten verrassen door onze chef-kok Tonino. Vraag naar de mogelijkheden aan ons personeel, zij zullen u er graag meer over vertellen.
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Comme le site ciao.ch, cette application te permet d'accéder à : - les 100 dernières Questions Réponses - la possibilité de poser une question et de recevoir une réponse personnalisée - l'accès à des adresses du réseau d'aide et de soutien en fonction de ta localisation et de mots-clé - l'accès aux numéros d'urgence - l'accès aux actualités de ciao.ch Le site ciao.ch offre une information fiable, accessible et actualisée aux jeunes en matière de santé globale. Il est reconnu par le label HONcode (Health On Net).
[ ライフスタイル ]
*Ciao two行動商城APP ,主打韓國最新時尚品味的流行女裝及優質有教育意義的玩具 ►不定期推出APP專屬獨享優惠折扣,趕快進來看看 ►活動推廣通知,好康活動不錯過 ►加入會員享有最新商品資訊、最優商品價格 ►手機、電腦,可同步收藏商品、購物車,切換使用無障礙 ►使用FB帳號或手機號就可以輕鬆購買,便利快速24小時行動購物不打烊 ►手機付款快速安全-使用SSL128bits最高安全等級加密,手機付款好放心 *韓國商品採購自韓國東大門廠商,以專業的眼光幫您挑選最in、最時尚的韓國服裝 ►堅持最新的潮流、最新的搭配 ►嚴選舒適質感材質,重視微小細節,提供顧客最優質的服務 ►空運商...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Ciao Bella hair + beauty professionals is constantly striving to provide our loyal clients with only the best. The best service, the best styles, the best in hair & beauty fashion, the best hair + beauty professionals & the best product ranges. Description The intense ultraviolet rays of North Queensland are constantly damaging your hair. That’s why we use plant based, ethically tested, Australian designed and made products.Our highly trained creative styling professionals constantly assess your hair and skin, determ...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Start your journey to a healthier, happier and a more active you. Ciao is full of tips, practical advice and plans on how to combat stress, sleep better, live healthier and shed unwanted weight. Choose a health goal and use the action plans to adopt and maintain good health habits that will support you in achieving your goals. Join monthly challenges suitable for all levels and compete with friends and colleagues to reach the top of the leaderboard. Goals: • Lose Weight • Sleep Better • Reduce Stress • Live Healthy • Get Fit Read...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
Finalmente una APP che immortala i tuoi zanzaricidi! Fotografa e condividi le tue imprese e sfida i tuoi amici per diventare il giustiziere più "sanguinario" della storia!" Ciao Ciao Zanzare è un prodotto di Sitar s.r.l., è un'azienda già presente da oltre 10 anni nel settore farmacie, distribuisce in Italia un'ampia gamma di prodotti di puericultura professionale per neonati, bambini e mamme, tra cui marchi leader, affermati in diversi paesi del mondo.
[ ゲーム ]
Build it up, break it down! In Color Wall, your goal is to stack blocks to form a perfect brick ring and smash the tower. Each time you match and complete a ring, the blocks break apart in a satisfying crash, giving you a sense of achievement and paving the way for more challenging levels. Key Features - Innovative 3D Gameplay: Experience a unique twist on classic block-stacking games with a 3D tower that adds a new dimension to your puzzle-solving strategies. - Challenging Levels: Test your skills with progressively difficult l...
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