フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Chance is an app that is built on top of twitter, through which Followers/Fans can have short, recorded video interactions with their favorite Influencers/Celebrities. How it works: Followers send short video messages to their Influencers/Celebrities. Influencers can reply to the ones that they find interesting and complete the interaction(s). Once completed, the app has viral loops built into it such that these 2-way interactions are recorded, shared on Twitter and can be further shared socially. End result: Chance gives Followers...
[ ゲーム ]
ヴァーチャルなシャネルの移動遊園地で遊ぶCHANCE THE GAME。スキルを磨いて、運を味方に。ミニゲームや期間限定コンテンツ、さまざまなサプライズが楽しめます。 障害物をよけながらチャンスのコースを進み、ドロップやカメリアを集めながらハイスコアを目指そう。さらに各アトラクションのミニチャレンジに挑戦してアイテムを手に入れると、ゲームやアバターをカスタマイズできます。 チャンスの香りを表現するキャラクターは4人: やさしくて明るいタンドゥル。「いつ訪れるかわからないチャンス。現れたらすぐにつかんで!」というモットーにいつでも忠実。 エネルギッシ...
[ ビジネス ]
CHANCE!とはライブ配信を通じたコラボレーションでクラウドプロジェクトを加速させ、お互いの無限の可能性を引き出す、今までにはないライブ配信プラットフォームです。 ◇◆◇CHANCEポイントプレゼント◇◆◇ CHANCE!では無料のクルー(会員)登録で、アプリ内で使えるCHANCEポイント(CP)を500CPプレゼントしています! CHANCEポイントはライブ配信内のギフティング(投げ銭)や商品購入時の値引きに使えます。 この機会にぜひクルー登録して、ライブを楽しんでください!! ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ <CHANCE!の世界> CHANCE!では、CHANCE!に関わる全ての人をお互いに可能性を広...
[ ライフスタイル ]
現在、iPhone向け「Pargolf Chance!」に不具合が発生し、一部の方はタップしても反応がなく次へ進めない、などの状況が起きております。本不具合につきまして調査中でございますので、しばらくお待ちいただけますよう、よろしくお願い申し上げます。当面の間、プレゼントのご応募は、以下のPC/スマホWebサイトよりご応募いただけますと幸いです。 ▼プレゼント応募Webサイト http://www.pargolf.co.jp/present/ ご不便、ご迷惑をおかけして大変申し訳ありません。ご不明な点がありましたら 「Pargolf Chance!事務局」までお問い合わせください。 ▼Pargolf Chance!事務局 pg...
[ ゲーム ]
**THE OFFICIAL GAME OF THE CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2 MOVIE! Get the movie now on Digital or Blu-ray Combo Pack!** FREE fun puzzle game. Connect matching foodimals to rescue them across 90+ levels! ==Story== Inventor Flint Lockwood has discovered that his beloved home of Swallow Falls has been overrun by extraordinary (and kind of adorable) foodimals: food-animal hybrids! Join Flint, Sam, Steve and other favorites on a deliciously dangerous journey back to Swallow Falls! ==Features== ● Easy to play, but hard to master g...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
This app is for meeting new friends from around the world. It will introduce you to random strangers. You decide whether to chat with them or not. You just tap take a chance, and you will be chatting with somebody new. If you like them you can get to know them, exchange pictures, and texts. If not you can just tap next. Take a chance — because even your best friend was once a stranger. P. S. Just.me Inc is now a fully fledged app development studio. The initial app - just.me - has been retired. For those who loved it, please try...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
全球首创,把每一个你看见的人,都映射在手机上。 每一对小组伙伴,只要在真实世界相遇,Chance都会给予提醒;抬起头,就能看见对方。 每一个你能看见的人,都会自动出现在你的手机上,你可以访问他们的主页,也可以和他们聊天。 每一次你分享心情或美景的时候,除了时间、地点、故事外,还可以记录下在你身边的那些人。 功能: 1. 眼前:出现在“眼前”列表里的用户,便是在此时此地,你身边的Chance使用者(你可以看见他们,或者听到他们的声音)。 2. 小组:志同道合的伙伴,不仅能在线上热闹,线下遇见也能收到Chance的提醒。 3.在一起:通过独有的“在一起”功能,你可以...
[ ゲーム ]
This is not the tic tac toe that you remember. This is Tic Tac Chance where the square you want is not necessarily the square that you get. Tic Tac Chance is a variation on the old classic tic tac toe and brings a random element to the game play. There is a chance that the square you select is not the square that you will receive. Are you going to take a chance and play to win or play a defensive style that reduces your opponent's chance to come out ahead? There are over 20 different ways to play. You can play the traditional...
[ ゲーム ]
NEW MINECRAFT MOD - CHANCE CUBE Original CHANCE CUBE : Mini Game with Multiplayer is finally available on mobile! ►► Recommended by SkyDoesMinecraft & TheDiamondMinecraft ►► You’ve already battled with your swords, fireballs and mouse clicking prowess, now you must battle with your mind! CHANCE CUBE is a brand new arcade game that is LIVE on your mobile RIGHT NOW! ► Face off against 11 others, creating a build based on a theme in just 5 minutes! ► Vote on which of the builds you think is the best with ratings ranging from “Supe...
[ ゲーム ]
BIG WIN JACKPOTS ON MOBILE! PLAY New Edition For Double Chance - Slot Machine TODAY! New Edition For Double Chance - Slot Machine has HUGE JACKPOTS and TONS of thrilling features like shifting wilds, sticky wilds and random wilds! Experience the magnificent luxury and style of a Vegas Casino right in the palm of your hand. GAME FEATURES: ► Play Slots anywhere and at all times! No Internet required! ► Extra coins for you don't stop play! ► Auto spin for you! ► Every slot machine with huge payouts! ► Your bets are made with ficti...
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