フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
家庭、学校、オフィスでの使用に数学パーサーを使用した強力な電卓スイート。   メインビュー:floor()、ceil()、random()のようなメモリ、パワー、平方根、対数、階乗、その他の関数の7つの異なるモードを含みます。 30以上の三角関数を含みます。 数式を入力し、「=」をクリックして評価してください。 高度な計算を実行するには、「科学」ボタンをタップします。 プログラマビュー:DEC、BIN、HEX、OCTシステムとより多くのマスキング操作からの変換を行います。 統計ビュー:中央値、標準偏差などを計算し、乱数を作成します。 IPサブネットビュー:与えられたIP...
[ 教育 ]
Evaluate™ - powerful scientific calculator with polynomial and system of linear equations solver. Scientific calculator - History tape - radians and degrees angle modes, support for minutes, seconds, grads - constants: astronomical, atomic, electromagnetic, mathematical, physicochemical, universal - functions: sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc, sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, asin, acos, asec, acsc, atan, acot, asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth, log2, log10, ln, logn(n,x) (log x with base n), √, ³√, abs, avg, ceil, floor, round, deg2rad, rad2deg, max...
[ ユーティリティ ]
計算機 + 変数、数式、関数 +基本的な演算子:+、 - 、*(乗算)、/(除算) +乗演算子:^ +否定演算子:unary - +変数の割り当て:= +平方根関数:sqrt() +絶対値関数:abs樹脂() +ログ機能:log()、log2()、ln()、exp() +三角関数:sin()、cos()、tan()、asin()、acos()、atan()、sinh()、cosh()、tanh()、asinh()、acosh()、atanh( ) +丸め関数:ceil()、floor()、round()、trunk() +各変換関数:dtor()、rtod() +定数:pi
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Little Calc - from little numbers to big calculations. It all Adds up, Little Calc the best Calc App on the store. Features include: ◆ Programmer View: make conversions from/to DEC,BIN,HEX,OCT systems and many more masking operations. ◆ Statistics View: calculate median, stddev, etc, as well as create random numbers. ◆ IP Subnet View: calculate subnets from a giving IP address. ◆ Plotter View: type your function and it automatically gets plotted. ◆ Converter View: convert values between units, such as length, area, v...
[ 教育 ]
Powerful and easy to use graphing calculator that allows you to plot real-valued functions, trajectories, and even vector fields on the cartesian plane. Everything with amazing retina graphics. GraphMe takes full advantage of the multitouch capabilities of the device in a simple and intuitive way, like controlling the parametric interval of a trajectory with a simple finger gesture. Features: • You can graph in the cartesian plane the following type of functions: Real-valued of a real variable (including functions in polar coo...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Calculate the numbers that matter in this sleek app that counts almost anything. Everyday Calculator suite uses a math parser for home, school and office use. It includes 7 different modes of operation: 1 - Main View: memory, power, square root, logarithmic, factorial and other functions like floor(), ceil() and random(). Includes more than 30 trigonometric functions. Simply type your formula and click "=" to evaluate it. Touch the "scient" button to perform advanced calculations. 2 - Programmer View: make conversions from/to DE...
[ 教育 ]
iCalc Math, the powerful calculator for home, school and office includes 7 different modes of operation: > Calculator: Memory, power, square root, logarithmic, factorial and other functions like floor(), ceil() and random(). *** Includes more than 30 trigonometric functions. *** Touch the "sci" button to perform advanced calculations. > Programmer: Make conversions from/to DEC,BIN,HEX,OCT systems and many more masking operations. > Statistics: Calculate median, stddev, etc, as well as create random numbers. > IP Subnet: ...
[ 教育 ]
GraphCalc is a graphing application that will support as many functions as memory will permit. Functions can be enabled, disabled, and colored. A custom keyboard has been implemented to simplify entering functions. GraphCalc supports both rectangular and polar functions and both types of graphs can be graphed at the same time. Graphs can be switched from one type of graph to the other. This effectively changes the axes on the graph screen from an x-axis and y-axis for a polar graph graphed as a polar function to a θ-axis and r-axi...
[ ユーティリティ ]
家庭、学校やオフィスでの使用のための数学のパーサーを使用して、強力な電卓スイート。 操作の6種類のモードが含まれています。 •メインビュー:メモリ、電源、平方根、床など、対数階乗やその他の機能()、はceil()とランダム()。 30以上の三角関数を含んでいます。単にそれを評価するために、"="あなたの数式を入力し、クリックします。高度な計算を実行するために、「scient」ボタンをタッチします。 プログラマーのビュー:12月、BIN、HEX、OCTシステムと、より多くのマスキング操作へ/からの変換を行います。 統計ビュー:などの中央値、STDDEVを、計算するだけで...
[ ビジネス ]
PHP Functions Reference A list of all functions available in the PHP language including working examples How many times have you sat at your desk trying to remember that PHP function you need in your code ? even worse you know the name of the function but can’t get it to work. Simple functions such as CEIL or ROUND tend to stick in your mind, but what about RAWURLENCODE or MYSQLI_CONNECT, these functions are in some circumstances vital to your work but what if you can’t remember them or need an example of its syntax ? Our PHP R...
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