フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
Are you tired of looking for something powerful calculator? Here’s a programmable Calculator for you! L-Calc will give you a new way of calculate in your study or business. 1. Define function which gives multi-dimensional value? add your definition of rotate(x,y,angle) function as ( x * cos(angle) - y * sin(angle), x * sin(angle) + y * cos(angle)), and you can call rotate function like rotate(1,2,30) which will give you the rotated coordinate! 2. Want to add your own factorial function? define myfactorial(x) as if(x>0, x * m...
[ ファイナンス ]
Ease of use and beauty in mind, designed for every family member (parents, students) and professionals (finance, engineering, science) by combining comprehensive set of household financial calculations (loans, mortgages, "what-if" analyses), statistical calculations and scientific/engineering functions into a single package. RPNscfi is a 15-digit RPN calculator with unlimited stack debt. It supports numbers greater than or equal to |2^-1022| (~10^-308), and less than |2^+1024| (~10^+308). ■ Tap “OPTIONS” and tap [Help] key to vie...
[ ファイナンス ]
収支を簡単に計算することが出来ます. かんたんおこづかい計算機(消費税8%対応) 〜Easy Allowance Calculator〜のレイアウトをシンプルにし, 英語表記にしております. また, カレンダー・リマインダーに結果を登録出来るので, ご自身のやりくりが把握出来ます. 消費税8%を計算することもでき, 小数点以下切り捨て(floor)・切り上げ(ceil)・四捨五入(round)の3つから選択出来ます. (使い方) 登録したい金額を入力します. (+/-)ボタンをタップすると登録先がincome/outgoのいずれかが選択出来ます. そしてEnterをタップすると金額が登録されます. また、RegistReminderボタン...
[ 教育 ]
The most downloaded graphing calculator for the iPhone/iPod is now available for the iPad. The GUI has been completely rewritten to take advantage of the iPad's bigger screen. Graphing Calculator HD turns your iPad into an intuitive high-resolution function plotter and scientific calculator. Features include the following: - Includes a powerful, yet easy to use scientific calculator. - Quickly plot and trace multiple equations on the same graph. - Pinch to zoom and drag/slide for scrolling the graph in real time. - Custom keyboar...
[ 教育 ]
Powerful and easy to use graphing calculator that allows you to plot real-valued functions, trajectories, and even vector fields on the cartesian plane. Everything with amazing retina graphics. NOTE: For this free version, modifying trajectories, vector fields and some other options are locked, but you can try the grapher with the preloaded functions, as well as plot a wide variety of real-valued functions. You can buy the full version anytime. GraphMe takes full advantage of the multitouch capabilities of the device in a simple...
[ ユーティリティ ]
This Calculator allows you to type directly your calculation in the type box and copy and paste the result anywhere Very Simple of use. Examples of valid regular expressions: "3+4" =7 "5*6" = 30 "4+(3.5*8)" = 32 "100/3" = 33.333333333 "sin(0.5)" = 0.479425538 "2.5^3" = 15.625 "cos(1/20)+sin(1/30)+cos(1/50)" = 2.031877428 "(1+2.2)*(3.1+6.6)" = 31.04 "(2*(3/(4+(5-3))))" = 1 "sqrt(2)" = 1.4142136 All standard operators are supported, as follows: +, -, *, / unary - ^ raise a number to the power of the other % modulus In ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
THIS IS THE OLD VERSION OF CALCLINE. PLEASE SELECT 'MORE APPS BY TENSION SOFTWARE' AND SEE 'CALCLINE 4' FOR THE LATEST RELEASE! THANKS Calcline is a latest generation algebraic calculator easy to use and with advanced characteristics. It works also as a service to _all_ the other app you have installed on your Mac! You just select a math expression in any other app you have and from the service menu you paste the result! It is enough to insert a mathematical expression and Calcline will immediately show the numeric result. You c...
[ ユーティリティ ]
「水面-MINAMO-」はSQLを利用する全ての開発者に向けたアプリケーションです。 SQLを実行する環境がなくてもiPhoneやiPod touch、iPadがあれば、思いついたSQLをどこでも試すことができます。 主な機能は次の通りです。 ・SQL実行機能 iPhoneやiPod touchさえあれば、どこでもSQLを実行できます。 小さな画面でも簡単にSQLが入力できるように、SQLキーボードやSQLビルダーなどの便利な機能も多く用意しています。 SQL文は「;」で区切ることで、複数文を一度に実行することができます。 ・SQL変換機能 OracleやSQLServerに接続できる環境がなくても、各製品独自の関数などを...
[ 教育 ]
This is a breakthrough application that brings mathematics to life in a visually stunning way. Apple's powerful, intuitive touch interface makes it possible to see and interact with mathematics. This app realizes all of that potential in a truly beautiful way that is essential for teachers, learners and researchers. Math Flyer is so much more than "yet another graphing tool." Drawing on 15 years of experience teaching math concepts to math and science students, Shodor presents this app as the cleanest way to attach meaning to math...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Evaluate™ - powerful scientific calculator with polynomial and system of linear equations solver. Scientific calculator - History tape - radians and degrees angle modes, support for minutes, seconds, grads - constants: astronomical, atomic, electromagnetic, mathematical, physicochemical, universal - functions: sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc, sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, asin, acos, asec, acsc, atan, acot, asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth, log2, log10, ln, logn(n,x) (log x with base n), √, ³√, abs, avg, ceil, floor, round, deg2rad, rad2deg, m...
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