フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ エンターテインメント ]
電話好きが集まる電話トークアプリ。 いつでも誰かがオンラインしてるので、 ひまな時のトーク相手が簡単に見つかります! 電話トークならCALLme(コールミー)! +---------------------------------------+  ドキドキ生声トークアプリの決定版! +---------------------------------------+ 「CALLme(コールミー)」は今すぐ話したいと思っている人同士をつなげます。 中には、アイドルやモデル、占い師をしているなんて人達も… しかも!かかってきた電話で話すともらえる『ゴールド』はなんと換金可能!! 電話するだけでお小遣いがゲットもできちゃいます! 【使い方...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Do you want to make phone call by your iPad and iTouch? Do you worry about expensive international phone bill? CallMe is just for you. One call, one dollar, to any county, unlimited time for each call. Buy more, it's cheaper to 0.25$ one call. Note: CallMe is charged by call count, not by time length. Please add country code to phone number, if your contacts don't have country code, you can use flag button to choose one. * Simple to use, buy credits then call * Call anywhere with WIFI, best travel utility to save money. * S...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Urmet CallMe ti consente di ricevere le chiamate videocitofoniche direttamente sullo smartphone e di rispondere anche quando sei fuori casa. Utilizzando l'app Urmet CallMe hai la possibilità di rispondere alle chiamate provenienti dal tuo videocitofono, sbloccare l'accesso pedonale della tua abitazione e aprire la porta con un semplice gesto sullo smartphone. La chiamata videocitofonica infatti viene trasferita sul tuo dispositivo e puoi rispondere da remoto in ogni situazione. Una grande agevolazione che ti consente sempre di ent...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Callme è un'app magica che permette di raggiunge due obiettivi in un colpo solo: 1. Eseguire una magia molto potente in maniera del tutto improvvisata. 2. Ottenere il numero di telefono dello spettatore! Un'app unica sul mercato, mai visto niente di simile prima d'ora! Effetto: · Chiedi ad uno spettatore di scegliere “qualcosa” in maniera totalmente libera. · Puoi far scegliere qualsiasi cosa: un colore, un animale, un simbolo, un oggetto, una carta da gioco... L'unico limite è la fantasia! · A questo punto chiedi allo spettat...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
■※■完全無料!!■※■ ぎゃるるは全てのユーザーが完全に無料で使えます! ■※■家でも出先でも移動中でも安心!■※■ セキュリティ万全! 他ユーザーに正確な位置情報は一切伝わりません! ぎゃるるは、全世界で使えるリア充向けポータルアプリ。 友達と語り合ったり、ファッションコーディネートを投稿したり 同じ年齢層のコーデを参考にしたり出来ます。 暇つぶしに面白ニュースを見れる機能も追加しました! ■簡単!スグに! 面倒なID等は全くいりません! インストール後スグに、ぎゃるるの全機能を使うことができます! ■リアルタイム! CHAT,STYLE,NEWSは全てリアルタ...
[ 旅行 ]
Call Me Partner allows the dispatchers at airports, restaurants, hotels, bars and corporates to book a ride with ease, assign it to the drivers, wholly manage the dispatching process and track their dispatching history with insightful reports. ONE TAP AND THE MOST SUITABLE CAR IS SUMMONED • Get requests from passengers and instantly input them to the app • Book or pre-book a car with no hassle CONTROL THE DISPATCHING PROCESS IN THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY • Manage all the dispatching activities with your device • Assign the ride to ...
[ ユーティリティ ]
CallMe *** Call your partner with a single tap *** How it works: (Only the first time) 1. Insert a number (with keyboard or selecting a contact from Address Book) 2. The app will then confirm that the number has been stored and will close. If you want change the number you have to navigate to Settings -> CallMe and slide the selector (resetting the number). Now relaunching the APP the phone call will start.
[ ユーティリティ ]
The user app Urmet CallMe allows you to see who’s calling at the door of your house; you can answer to it and open the door or the driveway gate. It’s even possible to see the camera of the door panel from the app without receiving a call (in 2VOICE systems and KIT and KIT 1722) and to check other CCTV cameras connected to the installation as well (in 2VOICE systems and KIT) as well as open the door or the car entrance. The app gives also an indication of the unanswered calls on which you didn’t answer with indication of date and...
[ ビジネス ]
IMX Mobile is unified communication client application that integrates with the eTellicom IMX system and Siemens HiPath OpenScape Office HX, MX and LX platforms. eTellicom now delivers the feature-rich myPortal desktop functionality to iPhone and iPad devices. Features include: - All iPortal IMX features: - Send Call to Voicemail - Send Call to Cell Phone - Change office presence - Real-time view of internal contacts' presence - Real-time phone state : On Call, Calling, Ringing - Favourites - View/lis...
[ エンターテインメント ]
当アプリは、非公式のcallmeの知識検定アプリです。 ご当地アイドル検定の問題は、検定問題クリエイター登録を行った有志のファンが提供しています。 レベルは、3段階から選択可能です。 各レベル、投稿された全問題から15問がランダムで出題され、80%以上が合格です。 (中級・上級は、クリエイターによる問題登録数が15問を超えた段階で検定可能になります) 得点は、ランキング・ツイッターでの共有が可能です。 また、推しメンアンケートの結果もランキング画面で随時確認できます。 問題の投稿を行うには、受信可能なメールアドレスが必要です。 アプリ内より、メール...
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