フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 教育 ]
Certified Personal Trainer (NASM AND CPT) Papers covered in this app: - CIMA E1 (Organisational Management) - CIMA E2 (Project & Relationship Management) - CIMA E3 (Strategic Management) NASM CPT: NCCA-accredited fitness Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) certification, NASM offers a progressive career track with access to Advanced Specializations, Continuing Education courses, and accredited Bachelor and Master Degree programs. ACSM CPT: The ACSM Certified Personal Trainer (ACSM-CPT) is qualified to plan and implement exercise pr...
[ 教育 ]
Access 100s Exam Preps in 17 Categories All in One App, and One time Purchase with free lifetime updates (NO SUBSCRIPTIONS OR ANY ADDITIONAL PURCHASES) Whether you are seeking exam prep for your ACCA, CIMA, MEDICAL, NURSING, ADVANCED PLACEMENT, IT & SECURITY, PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATIONS, or ANY other Certifications we have you covered. Categories Covered: 1: ACCA (ACCA F1) (ACCA F2) (ACCA F3) (ACCA F4) (ACCA F5) (ACCA F7) (ACCA F8) (ACCA F9) (ACCA P1) (ACCA P2) (ACCA P3) (ACCA P4) (ACCA P5) 2: Advanced Placement AP-Psychology ...
[ 旅行 ]
Saque todo el partido a su visita a la cima de la Roca y el teleférico con esta guía interactiva gratuita. A través de espectaculares fotografías tomadas desde la estación superior del teleférico, podrá adentrarse en la fascinante historia de Gibraltar y conocer las fantásticas vistas de las que podrá disfrutar desde las terrazas de la estación superior. Para acceder al contenido completo necesita estar situado en una de las estaciones de teleférico. La aplicación incluye: - 4 increíbles fotografías con más de 35 puntos de inter...
[ エンターテインメント ]
【内容】 プロレスの試合はもちろんのこと、出場選手のプロフィール、団体監修による得意技の解説&技の動画、さらにはiPhoneで使える壁紙や出場選手とツーショット写真が撮れるカメラ機能もついてくる! 【主な機能】 ・試合動画 ・KAIENTAI DOJO監修の技解説、技動画 ・選手プロフィール ・壁紙 ・カメラ機能 【収録試合】 元WWF(現WWE)のTAKAみちのくが2002年に旗揚げしたプロレス団体KAIENTAI DOJO(かいえんたいどうじょう)。 千葉県千葉市を本拠地に興行を行っている。 本アプリではは2011年最初の東京大会を収録。 所属選手の個性あふれるムーブ(技)は必見! 入場曲は実際...
[ 教育 ]
A Casa do Aprendizado é um aplicativo desenvolvido por uma fonoaudióloga certificada pela Associação Americana de Fonoaudiologia, e que serve tanto como uma ferramenta para aprender, como tambem para brincar. Sabemos que as crianças aprendem melhor quando interagem com um parceiro adulto para orientar seu aprendizado, e encorajamos os pais, fonoaudiologos e professores a usar a "Casa do Aprendizado" como uma atividade que pode promover imensas oportunidades de aprendizagem ao utilizar as técnicas corretas. Aqui estão algumas idéia...
[ メディカル ]
Al descargar la aplicación de Hospital CIMA tendrás al alcance de tu mano una manera más rápida de consultar todos los servicios y la tecnología con la que contamos para el beneficio de tu salud, así como también encontrarás, a una marcación de distancia, los números telefónicos que te acercan a tus médicos y en cualquier emergencia será la vía rápida para accesar a nuestra área de URGENCIAS.
[ 教育 ]
Welcome to the new world of IMA Apps. IMA is developing a complete set of Apps for CIMA exams. E1 Enterprise Operations is currently being offered free of charge as an introduction. The Apps act as a complete alternative to the textbooks and revision kits, as it contains the complete syllabus as well as interactive questions and answers. The Apps are available on both iPhone and iPad versions. Key Features: - Rationale and explanations provided for interactive solutions - You select the subjects/chapters to study - Exam style mi...
[ ビジネス ]
This app is designed to provide a hand-held guide to the CIMA Lecturers’ conference series which will be taking place in London, Colombo and Kuala Lumpur in 2014. The app will allow the delegates to create personalised agendas, view materials for the conferences, create notes on the meeting, use key pad voting and provide feedback on the sessions. Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developing an iPhone App for your business please email us at info@insightmobile.co.uk or call us on +44 (0)1273 803133
[ ステッカー ]
More than 25 stickers of Cima Da Conegliano Artworks! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge ! - St. John the Baptist and Saints - The Baptism of Christ - Madonna of the Orange Tree with St. Ludovic of Toulouse and St. Jerome - St. Helena - St. Jerome in the Wilderness - The Annunciation - Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints - Madonna and Child - Madonna and Child with saints - Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple - Saint Sebastia...
[ ビジネス ]
This app is designed to provide a hand-held guide to the CIMA Lecturers’ conference series which will be taking place in London, Colombo and Kuala Lumpur in 2014. The app will allow the delegates to create personalised agendas, view materials for the conferences, create notes on the meeting, use key pad voting and provide feedback on the sessions. Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us about developing an iPhone App for your business please email us at info@insightmobile.co.uk or call us on +44 (0)1273 803133
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