フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 旅行 ]
A Kind Reminder:Relevant services for the Didi Chuxing App/Mini Program are available only in the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong SAR. DiDi is a leading mobility technology platform that makes your travel easy in China. With the DiDi ride-hailing app, you can get a ride at your fingertips. With the English interface, 24/7 in-app English customer service, and its presence in over 400 cities across China, DiDi provides you with safe, affordable, reliable and convenient ride-hailing services!
[ ゲーム ]
[ NEW BRAND: Drive a lightning-fast racing car of the Formula Masters China Series, one of Asia‘s leading racing series specifically designed to boost up-and-coming racing talents and prepare them for the international stage. In addition to the new car, we also introduce three FMCS pilots, namely James Munro, Matthew Solomon and Akihil Rabindra. ] 携帯機器で楽しめるハイエンドのレースが、フォルクスワーゲン (中国) と Fishlabs によるスポーツカーチャレンジ 2 で新たなレベルに突入します。アウディ、ベントリー、ブガッティ、ランボルギーニ...
[ ゲーム ]
Embark on an epic quest to build the greatest structure in the history of mankind – The Great Wall of China – in this addictive and fast paced time-management game. The nomads are attacking once again, and it is up to Kong Boatu to stop them. Accept the challenge to build The Great Wall of China in 4 unique locations and 40 exciting levels. The journey will take you from the golden plains and snowy mountain cliffs to the sun baked desert and other mysterious places. Build unique buildings, mines and structures. All buildings can be...
[ ショッピング ]
Made-in-China.comアプリは、世界貿易のための世界をリードする卸売モバイルB2Bマーケットプレイスです。質の高い中国のサプライヤーからすべての製品をモバイルデバイスから便利に購入できます。 トランザクションを完了するための3つのステップ: 製品を検索>注文>安全な取引 必要なものを購入する 安全で信頼できるオンライン取引サービスを提供します。すべてのトランザクションプロセスは、当社のアプリで完了することができます。いつでもどこでも注文して追跡できます。 簡単な調達 検証済みのサプライヤーから何百万もの新しく革新的な製品を調達します。 27のカテゴ...
[ ライフスタイル ]
MyLink My Zone MyLink is a one-stop and all-round smart life APP released by China Mobile Hong Kong, dedicated to providing intelligent and convenient life services for residents in Hong Kong. It enables CMHK customers to easily handle communication services anytime and anywhere, and provides a wealth of practical and useful life benefits and services for all MyLink users in Hong Kong and the mainland, striving to be the "intelligent life assistant" for Hong Kong residents. ● 3D MyZone: You can play social games with your avatar ...
[ ニュース ]
《中國報》是馬來西亞最暢銷的中文報之一,以獨特的圖文並茂、獨家報導、最快速的消息和豐富的內容而聞名。它將讓你隨時隨地掌握最新的新聞,使你的手指停不下來。最熱新聞排行榜讓你即刻了解身邊正在發生的事情。 無論是政治混亂、社會亂象、欺人太甚,還是心情不順,立即爆料投訴,讓我們一起評論和理解。馬上下載吧! 體驗《中國報》手機App,立即從chinapress.com.my下載,這是馬來西亞最暢銷的中文報之一,以引人入勝的視覺內容、獨家報導、迅速的消息更新和豐富的主題而聞名。 讓您隨時隨地掌握最新的新聞和信息,包括官方新聞、犯罪報導、國際事務、娛樂動態、...
[ ナビゲーション ]
Did you ever wonder what is on the opposite side of the world from you?  As a child were you asked, “are you digging to China?”  If you continued digging, where would you surface?    Did you know that Auckland, New Zealand is opposite or antipodal to Seville, Spain?  Or that if you dug a hole in New Jersey you wouldn’t end up in China, but off the western coast of Australia?   Dig to China! calculates your current location and shows you what is on the opposite side of the world.  This opposite location is known as your antipode. ...
[ ニュース ]
CGTN is committed to providing worldwide audience with a wide range of global news from a different perspective. The app prioritizes user experience with intricate details. It brings diverse, balanced and objective content for global users, and presents a true image of China and world from multiple perspectives. The latest version of the CGTN app supports five languages: English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian. It features a wide array of original content, including breaking news, in-depth stories and livestreams. The app als...
[ エンターテインメント ]
- Listen live to Chinese Radio stations from everywhere you go. - Catch up or listen again to your favourite programmes. - Record programmes to enjoy anywhere, even offline A network connection is required in order to access content. Radio China is a free and fast application that allows you to listen to the majority of Chinese radio FM, AM radio and web streaming. All you need is a simple internet connection (WiFi or 3G, 4G). do not hesitate to install Radio China and listen to your favorite radio stations directly on your iPhon...
[ ファイナンス ]
The brand new mobile banking app has arrived! And we'll be saying goodbye to this app soon! Download "BOCHK 中銀香港" now. Let's Keep In Touch! BOCHK Mobile Banking Banking at your fingertips Personalised homepage - Provide shortcut customization and reminder for preset instructions Transfer - Make real-time transfer via FPS Professional Investment - Trade Hong Kong stocks, China A share and US stocks on one page Easy FX - Provide streaming foreign currency exchange rates, market commentary, it is a one-stop FX service at yo...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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