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[ 教育 ]
This app is for China Central Television’s @CHINA series of activities, which aims to promote the international channels of CCTV. The Chinese Food and Culture Festival is the first activity of the series, and it will be held at CSU Long Beach. With “Chinese Delicacy” as its general theme, the main event will be a competition for marketing campaigns in California for the culinary documentary A Bite of China, produced by China Central Television (CCTV). 1.Get more information about the activity. 2.Watch the culinary documentary A Bit...
[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
CCTV MicroCamera is a new shoot video client product of China Network Television(CNTV) for iPhone.Users can shoot video and upload it to xiyou.cntv.cn at the same time to share it to the CCTV Microblog. This product has powerful shooting,small video file,high quality and effects dazzle.Users need not apply for account and password,just use CCTV Microblog account can login. Through the shooting video users could record and share every day life and wonderful moments. 微拍客是中国网络电视台推出的一款手机视频服务产品,用户可以拍摄视频...
[ ショッピング ]
★★★青歌赛是15届CCTV青年歌手电视大奖赛首款官方电视互动产品★★★ -最具魅力的实时互动。青歌赛客户端与CCTV青年歌手电视大奖赛栏目深度合作,提供56种互动形式,随时赢取奖品,绝对让你High到爆; -最便捷的购物通道。青歌赛客户端实时智能捕捉当前电视热门商品,让你看到心动宝贝即可购买, 绝对给你全方位的购物享受; -最迅捷的信息来源。青歌赛客户端同步弹出节目中提到的关键词实现电视内容的扩展阅读。无论新闻、视频、图片给你最全面最细致的CCTV青年歌手电视大奖赛; -最贴心的电视百科。观众评论、节目花絮、主持人信息、分集剧情、精彩图片,不用慢慢搜索一键获取;...
[ ニュース ]
"Xinwenlianbo", China Central television's ACE program, which have largest audience in the world, the most influential news program. Starts on January 1, 1978, is now on CCTV channel (CCTV-1), CCTV news channel (CCTV-13), provincial TV stations, satellite TV, City TV, and county-level TV channels .live at 19:00 everyday. This app provides news on-demand services and some live channels broadcast services. This app is free, data charges collected by local operators. 《新闻联播》节目官方客户端。 《新闻联播》是中国中央电视台王牌节...
[ スポーツ ]
【所有赛事,一键直达!】 “直播大全”是覆盖全部终端设备的观赛工具类产品,提供包括CCTV5在内的体育电视直播以及全网络体育视频直播观赛指南,网罗奥运会、世界杯、欧洲足球、网球大满贯、美职篮、CBA、中超等黄金赛事,提供24小时不间断的节目单预约提醒和回看等实用功能,极简设计,方便快捷,是您观看体育视频不二选择。 ·全网黄金赛事视频直播: 5+直播大全专注体育赛事视频直播,依托CCTV赛事资源,网罗全网直播信号,广泛覆盖美职篮、CBA、欧冠、英超、西甲、意甲、德甲、中超、亚冠等各大联赛杯赛以及奥运会、亚运会、世界杯、欧洲杯等大型综合赛事。 ·直播信号 一键...
[ エンターテインメント ]
CNTV CBox是中国网络电视台专为iPhone定制的视频客户端产品,免费提供中央电视台、省市电视台多路电视频道的直播,直播节目支持7*24小时回放。还为用户提供了央视精品栏目、纪录片、电影、电视剧等丰富的内容。操作界面简单友好,人性化体验,如节目订阅、直播提醒、节目搜索等,为用户带来完美的观影体验 CNTV CBox is a new video client product of China Network Television (CNTV) for iPhone. It provides free live programs from CCTV, other channels of different provinces, and all the 24 hours live programs can be replayed back to 7 days ago. CNTV CBox als...
[ ニュース ]
"I Love Africa" is a multi-language application program, which was produced by the China Network Television for its African audience, supporting four languages (Chinese, English, French and Arabic). Its main content is high-quality videos, and also vivid and colorful cultural programs. "I Love Africa" aims to provide abundant, colorful and multi-viewpoint programs for a global audience, especially for African audiences. It not only has the four live channels of CCTV 13 News, CCTV English, CCTV French and CCTV Arabic, but also pro...
[ ビジネス ]
에이치다온 CCTV 모바일 어플리케이션은 무인 경비 서비스와 CCTV 영상 모니터링 서비스를 이용하는 소형 고객 대상의 보안 서비스입니다. 간편한 모바일 앱 설치 만으로 사업장 외부에서도 쉽게 사업장의 방범 상태를 확인하고 제어할 수 있으며, CCTV 모니터인 기능으로 선명한 실시간 영상과 녹화 영상을 확인할 수 있습니다.
[ ユーティリティ ]
CCTV Super Tool for Installers - Config Tool (Search DAHUA, KBVISION, HIKVISION, VANTECH...) - Port Check - Warranty Check for CCTV Device (Only VN) - HDD Calc
[ ビジネス ]
대한민국CCTV 모바일 어플리케이션은 무인 경비 서비스와 CCTV 영상 모니터링 서비스를 이용하는 소형 고객 대상의 보안 서비스입니다. 간편한 모바일 앱 설치 만으로 사업장 외부에서도 쉽게 사업장의 방범 상태를 확인하고 제어할 수 있으며, CCTV 모니터인 기능으로 선명한 실시간 영상과 녹화 영상을 확인할 수 있습니다.
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