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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Social Media Monitoring on your iPhone!
Track Online Buzz to Protect your Business, Reputation, Brand & Image by Monitoring Social Media Sites through out the Internet.
This is the must have App if you are serious about your business and making sure that its PR is on the right track. Abuzz keep you in the loop on sites like Digg Postings and Twitter Tweets as well as closely follow every Blog in Blogosphere and monitoring hundreds of thousands of Forums and its postings like a hawk. This is not Doodle Jump or Angry Birds but a se...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
iLiturgia para iPad é um aplicativo que possibilita rezar a Liturgia das Horas e o Rosário pelo iPad.
1) Desde a versão 5.6 que "iLiturgia" roda tanto em iPhone/iPod como em iPad. Assim, os novos usuários devem adquirir o "iLiturgia" ao invés do "iLiturgia para iPad".
2) Os usuários que já adquiriram o "iLiturgia para iPad" continuarão a receber novas atualizações normalmente.
Principais características:
- iLiturgia é todo offline e o orante não precisa estar conecta...
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[ 旅行 ]
Lose Yourself Without Getting Lost.
This handy application presents you several self-guided walks featuring the best of the city, from world famous attractions to hidden gems. There simply is no better way to see a city on foot, at your own pace and at a cost that is only a fraction of what you would normally pay for a guided tour.
This app comes with a detailed and fully functional city map to help you explore the city and locate the sights of interest. City map functions included in this app are: street name and business (resta...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Do you have a database, library or collection which you need to use on-the-go, even when you don't have web access? If you do, this is the application for you. Using CSV Lite you can easily search, sort and look through your collections when away from your computer. So start carrying your DVD and CD library, your book collection, your wine testing notes, or any other database, library or list with you!
CSV Lite works by reading CSV files, a file format which almost all databases and applications like Excel, Filemaker, Access, Bent...
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[ フード/ドリンク ]
「Oven Watt Calc - 電子レンジの調理時間(ワット)」をご覧くださり、ありがとうございます。
計算結果の表示方法は切り替えが出来ます。(時分秒 ←→ 分秒)
- 電子レンジで食品を温める(レトルト食品、冷凍食品、コンビニのお弁当)
- レシピ本による電子レンジを使った料理(時短レシピ、時短料理)
- 電子レンジ計算(W → W = Time)
- 計算結果の切り替え(時分秒 ←→ 分秒)
- 変換結果に対しての計算(かけ算と割り算)
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[ 旅行 ]
A Orgasul Turismo está completando 22 existência. Nos idos de 1986, São bento do Sul carecia de uma agência de viagens que pudesse dar suporte ao grande impulso que a cidade experimentava.
Nosso pioneirismo ultrapassou o simples ato de vender passagens aéreas e ingressou no mundo das feiras internacionais, levando empresários que buscavam mercado, máquinas e equipamentos para suprirem suas industrias, principalmente no ramo moveleiro.
- Contato - Tenha em mãos os nossos dados de contato
- Fidelidade - Confira nossas promoções
- Me...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
A UCS TV foi fundada em 1997 pela Fundação Universidade de Caxias do Sul e a partir de 2011 é uma das emissoras universitárias parceiras do Canal Futura. Visa a integração entre a universidade e a comunidade, seus programas abordam temas de cunho educativo e social.
TV Educativa com os olhos atentos à informação relevante. Um projeto de comunicação em prol da construção sociocultural. Parceira do Canal Futura.
Situada na serra Gaúcha, com emissoras em Caxias do Sul, Bento Gonçalves e Vacaria oferece uma p...
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[ ミュージック ]
********* Promo price: 50% off *********
**********LIMITED TIME ONLY***********
Remote Winamp controller for iPhone/iPod/iPad
Control your media in comfort of Your home wireless network.
YouTube link:
Wmote application lets You control media files on Your PC computer
runing "Winamp" remotely. All You need is to download free "WmoteServer" application from http://wmoteserver.com, and have "Winamp" (2.1x or abov...
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