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[ 教育 ]
Die App bietet den vollständigen Audioguide und Informationen zum Besuch an. Im Bach-Museum geht es um Johann Sebastian Bach. Er war ein berühmter Musiker. Im Museum gibt es viel zu entdecken: Zum Beispiel alte Musik-Instrumente. Oder eine Truhe von Johann Sebastian Bach. Es gibt auch viel zum Anfassen und Anhören: Zum Beispiel klingende Röhren. Und ein ganzes Orchester.
[ メディカル ]
Bach Flowers Mobile App gives detailed insights of 38 Bach Flower Remedies. Elaborate explanation of each remedy along with nucleus of remedy, drug picture, preparation, philosophy etc makes the app ideal course material for Bach Flower Students & Therapists. Clear categorization of remedies are provided under 7 categories and 3 type viz, Twelve Healers, Seven Helpers and Second Nineteen. Quick Prescriber : Unique module which suggests the Bach Flower Remedies for more than 450 common clinical conditions. Helps you to choose the...
[ ミュージック ]
Learn to play Bach! Johann Sebastian Bach was one of history's greatest composers. His works endure today and are performed worldwide. This app songbook contains sheet music for a selection of his English Suites, together with audio recordings of each piece. To assist with comprehension of the scores, students can listen to the recordings while studying the musical notation. Included in this app songbook are: -English Suite I: Bourree I -English Suite I: Bourree II -English Suite II: Bourree I -English Suite II: Bourree II -Engl...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Hermann Bach GmbH & Co KG Nutzen Sie als unser Partner aus dem Fachhandwerk mit dieser innovativen App die Möglichkeit mobil auf unseren Online-Shop zuzugreifen. Die bekannten Funktionen des Online-Shops wie z.B. Artikelsuche, Darstellung der Verfügbarkeit und Erstellen einer Bestellung ist ebenso wie das Scannen von Barcodes möglich. Die hinterlegten Bilder zeigen Ihnen die Anschlussmaße der Produkte. Die eingebundene Navigation führt Sie zu dem nächst gelegensten Lagerort, an dem Ihr Material verfügbar ist. Aktuelle Angebote,...
[ ブック ]
AfriBooks is an ever-expanding library of South African-related ebooks for anyone with a South African interest, whether you're a local, an expat or just someone who likes the place. Digital publishers Berg + Bach have worked closely with traditional publishers Burnet Media in compiling a selection of generally 'lekker' reads from South Africa’s most innovative writers and cartoonists. Every month new titles will be added, varying from recent best-sellers to niche titles to award-winning novels that have gone out-of-print and are o...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
¿Estás cansada de empezar un Plan de Adelgazamiento y no acabarlo? ¿Te sientes frustrada porque ni siquiera has empezado a adelgazar a pesar de tenerlo claro? ¿Estás confundida porque tienes una recaída? ¿Te cuesta mantenerte firme con tus decisiones? ¿Te falta fuerza de voluntad para conseguir tu cuerpo ideal? ¿Te resulta difícil no sucumbir a ciertas tentaciones o adicciones con la comida? ¿Te cuesta seguir una dieta? Esta aplicación es para ti. Con las Flores de Bach podrás seguir tu entrenamiento para perder peso, sea con tu t...
[ 教育 ]
Ap Geiriau Cyntaf Cywion Bach Croeso i ap geiriau cyntaf y Cywion Bach lle mae llawer o swigod i’w popio, tedis i’w cwtsho, afalau i’w bwyta, anifeiliaid i’w clywed a cherbydau i’w gyrru! Mae’r profiad cyd-chwarae diogel, hwylus hwn wedi’i gynllunio i gyflwyno ystod o eiriau cyntaf Cymraeg i blant bach cyn oedran ysgol 0-3 mlwydd oed, ac i’w rhieni a’u gwarchodwyr wrth iddyn nhw ddysgu Cymraeg ochr yn ochr â’u plant. Mae’r ap yn cynnig profiad tegan rhyngweithiol – gan gyflwyno 24 gair, eu llythrennau a’u cyd-destun mewn ffordd ...
[ ミュージック ]
An app to practice reading Bach piano sheet music. This is the ad-free version of “Read Bach Sheet Music”. This app includes: - ten lessons - ten quizzes - ten J.S. Bach scores Each Lesson contains two or more exercises. You will see a score and you will listen to what is written on it with animations of the beats and the notes on the staff. On the low right side you will see the way you have to keep the beat with your right hand as if you were drawing on top of the animation. Each Quiz corresponds to a Lesson. There are no a...
[ ミュージック ]
Bach Today is an easy to use listening log and compendium for the exploration of the complete collection of compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach. Find details for every composition the master created and for some that he didn’t (BWV 565!?), with external links to Wikipedia, IMSLP, YouTube and more. Bach Today is integrated with Apple Music to highlight multiple recordings for each composition. Merging iTunes listening history means your progress is always current. Bach Today uses iCloud to sync across devices — your Mac and i...
[ ミュージック ]
Practice and learn rhythms by playing Bach Motives, Subjects, Phrases and Songs. Bach Rhythmic Studies uses iCore Motion technology to turn your iPhone into a musical instrument. Every rhythmic exercises is linked to a Bach composition and targets a specific rhythmic concept. Your iPhone will respond to your rhythmic performance in real-time by playing a motive, subject, phrase or song by Bach. You play by shaking your iPhone as if it were a Bell (a Tap button is also included as an alternative way of playing.) At the end of every...
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