フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ショッピング ]
Aria Ethnic is a specifically curated space that celebrates the richness of India handloom. The march towards modernity has become synonymous with western wear leading to the disappearance of the saree the kurta the dupatta limiting them to religious ceremonies. Even more unfortunately the saree in particular has vanished from our streets offices and parties. Since time immemorial the saree has inspired our culture and tradition therefore we are inspired to re introduce the beauty of handwoven traditional sarees in the contemporary...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
AriaTalks is a proactive and data-driven assistant that helps you and everyone on your team stay on top of business-crucial metrics and events.
As your new hire, AriaTalks acts like an experienced personal assistant and turns metrics from the tools you already use into valuable insights – whenever and wherever you need them.
No matter if your data lives in cluttered spreadsheets, a multitude of cloud services or in complex BI tools, with our broad range of integrations, Aria aggregates, processes and visualizes real-time data fro...
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[ 教育 ]
Aplicatia 24edu Profesor le ofera profesorilor acces la instrumente utile, direct de pe telefon sau tableta si permite gestionarea facila a unor activitati precum: adaugarea de note, absente, incheierea mediilor, semnarea condicii de prezenta, adaugarea scutirilor, motivarea absentelor si altele. Se sincronizeaza automat cu contul web.
Cum creez cont de profesor
Pentru a avea un cont de profesor, solutia 24edu trebuie sa fie implementata in scoala ta. Astfel, vei primi de la scoala un cod si instructiuni pentru crearea contului....
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[ ユーティリティ ]
Scopri come controllare la tua macchina aeraulica grazie all'applicazione VMC di Brofer.
La qualità dell’aria all’interno delle nostre abitazioni è oggi un problema cruciale. L’ottima tenuta degli in ssi impedisce il ricambio dell’aria, sarebbe necessario aprire frequentemente le nestre con enorme speco di energia. L’utilizzo di forti coibentazioni (esempio isolamento a cappotto) può creare formazione di muffa ed umidità all’interno delle stanze. L’aria dell’ambiente esterno spesso è ricca di pollini e batteri che s...
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[ エンターテインメント ]
Live a healthier, more active life with Fitbit, the world’s leading app for tracking all-day activity, workouts, sleep and more. Use the app on its own to track basic activity and runs on your phone, or connect with one of Fitbit’s many activity trackers and the Aria Wi-Fi Smart Scale to get a complete picture of your health—including steps, distance, calories burned, sleep, weight, and more.
TRACK ACTIVITY: Accurately record your steps and distance with MobileTrack when you carry your phone. For all-day tracking of stats like cal...
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[ ゲーム ]
Hey~ Welcome to this frozen kingdom! Here's an invitation from the noble princess, why not open it now?
Time travel? A new world? This just happened to Aria, and she was taken to the Middle Ages from the 21st century by a mysterious force. After a bit uncertainty at first, she became so excited because this was just the land she had longed to be. After having many adventures there, she finally came to an old castle, which looked so grand and stunning and took her breath away. She opened all the doors in the castle until... What wo...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
Ecool-i è l’innovativo sistema che
permette di controllare, direttamente da PC, smartphone o tablet, il tuo impianto di raffrescamento evaporativo Art-Eco.
Se necessario, Ecool-i può essere implementato da altre funzioni per la gestione di molti altri dispositivi.
Grazie al collegamento tra i vari dispositivi, realizzato con cavo per sistema Bus - tipologia “entra-esci” - avente caratteristiche specifiche per RS-485, è possibile connettere un numero illimitato di dispositivi con distanze anche superiori ai 1200m.
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[ ブック ]
Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950), American lyrical poet and playwright, was the first woman to receive the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. She was known for her unconventional, bohemian lifestyle and her many love affairs. She wrote five verse dramas early in her career, including Two Slatterns and a King, The Lamp and the Bell, and The King's Henchman. Her most famous verse drama is the often anthologized One Act play Aria da Capo, written for the Provincetown Players.
Edna St. Vincent Millay Books provides the works of Edna St. Vi...
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[ 仕事効率化 ]
Brought to you by Okta, Oktane15 is designed for IT leaders and application developers looking to unleash the full potential of cloud and mobile in the enterprise. Over 1,000 IT leaders, leading cloud ISVs, developers, industry analysts and influencers will gather to explore the crucial role that identity plays in connecting people and technology.
And this app is your go-to-resource for all things Oktane15. Get pre-conference updates, discover sessions, search for speakers and build your agenda to make the most of your Oktane exp...
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[ ユーティリティ ]
La prima APP gratuita completa che ti aiuta a decidere quale climatizzatore si adatta meglio alle tue necessità. Non solo ti consente di conoscere la potenza ideale, ti propone un modello, ti dice a chi rivolgerti per acquistarlo, ma grazie alla realtà virtuale 3D ti consente addirittura di vederlo apparire sulla parete della tua stanza. In modo che tu non debba sforzarti a immaginare, ma semplicemente vederlo ! la APP è sviluppata per il brand Giapponese Hitachi, aria condizionata ad alta tecnologia.
-Calcolatore della potenza
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