フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
AKUMAを解放して魔王ルシファーを復活させろ! ニンゲンの滅亡は君の手にかかっている! ■合体・召喚を繰り返してAKUMAを増やせ! ■目指せ全298体のコンプリート! -------------------- ■ゲームの目的 -------------------- AKUMA(悪魔)は全部で298体。 AKUMA図鑑をコンプリートすることがこのゲームの目的です。 -------------------- ■ゲームの遊び方 -------------------- 1)魔法陣からAKUMAを召喚 2)AKUMAが生成したMPを回収 3)まずはAKUMAをレベルアップ  より多くのMPが回収可能に 4)集まったMPを使って、合体召喚 5)AKUMAを増やして図鑑をコンプリートしましょ...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
First released in 2009, GoodReader® is truly a veteran of the App Store. In the modern app business, it's not easy to stay relevant that long. We're proud to say that after 13 years and counting, we've been delivering wonderful updates with extraordinary new features. And we're going to keep doing that! GoodReader is a perfect combination of document-reading and file-managing capabilities. It's your one-stop shop for all your document needs on your iOS device. Use the app once, and you'll be hooked. Soon you'll be wondering how ...
[ ゲーム ]
_人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_ AKUMAを合体・召喚して最強のAKUMAを目指せ! 前代未聞のダーク放置ゲームの続編登場!  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄ ▼なにこれすごい AKUMAは全部で344体。 合体を繰り返してコンプリートするんだ! ▼こんなのはじめて! 召喚したAKUMAでライバルAKUMAとバトル! なぜ、AKUMA同士で血を流す必要があるんだ… 強さって何だろう? AKUMAが生きる意味を教えてくれるぜ! ▼操作は簡単 うちの娘(5歳)も操作できるほど簡単です。 MPを回収したら、ひたすら合体・召喚! ▼やめられない・止まらない 気が付くとAKUM...
[ ゲーム ]
◈君の手で紡ぐ、悔いなき三国志◈ 陣営に縛られない三国志RPG 星の民たちが代々守ってきた、創星神界。 遠い世界に生きた武将たちの強い望みの力(「切望」)を、星の力に変えて光を生み出している。 しかしいつしか、星は影に覆われ、光が失われようとしていた。 影の影響で、武将たちの「切望」は行き場を見失って辺りを彷徨い、 魔将となって世界を浸食し始めた。 星の核となる「蒼星晶」に宿る星霊は、創星神界を危機から救うために、わずかに残った星の力で選ばれし者を召喚した…   ◈アナザー三国志、アナザーストーリー◈ 見知らぬ陣営 星将が登場...
[ ゲーム ]
Embark on the ultimate puzzle adventure in Block Sort Temple! Gameplay: Enter the ancient temple and put your strategic thinking to the test with Block Sort Temple, the newest addition to addictive puzzle games. Your mission is to sort colorful gem blocks into their designated slots. Each level presents a unique challenge with a mix of vibrant gems that need careful sorting. - Start with a Mix: At the beginning of each level, you'll encounter several slots filled with a random assortment of gem blocks. - Sort the Gems: Move the gem...
[ ゲーム ]
◆選べる3つのストーリーで、あなたは誰と恋をする? ・ロクメン学園編Story ロクメン学園に通うあなたは、とある事情から特待生が住む寮で働くことに。 それをきっかけに学園の人気者である5人組と仲良くなって…!? ドキドキの学園ラブストーリーです。 ・New Story 小料理店で働くあなたは常連客であるDa-iCEメンバーと知り合い、友達になる。 彼と過ごす日々の中で、友情は次第に恋ごころへと変わっていって…。 日常の中の恋を描いたドラマのようなラブストーリー。 ・Classic Story カメラマンを目指し、アシスタントとして新生活をスタートさせたあなた。 初めての仕事...
[ ゲーム ]
Objective: drive your car to the finish in 60 seconds in order to jump to the next level. Improvements in the new version: we have added the High Score registration and 5 new levels (they can be unlocked via a $0.99 in-app purchase). The Endless Racing Game is the first multiplayer racing game, where the game action moves from one iPhone to another. Endlessly (or as long as you wish to play). The Endless Racing Game has achieved the 1st place in the Racing Games category on AppStore in 37 countries (among others: Germany, Japan,...
[ ゲーム ]
Sort Balls Sorting Puzzle Game is a fun and addictive puzzle game! Try to sort the colored balls in the tubes until all balls with the same color stay in the same tube. A challenging yet relaxing game to exercise your brain! HOW TO PLAY: • Tap any tube to move the ball lying on top of the tube to another tube. • The rule is that you can only move a ball on top of another ball if both of them have the same color and the tube you want to move into has enough space. • Try not to get stuck - but don’t worry, you can always restart th...
[ ゲーム ]
------------------------------------------------------ The #1 iPhone game in 30 countries during the world soccer cup in South Africa! “it's good pick-up-and-play fun when you're competing for high scores with friends or on the leader boards. The graphics are sharp and stable, even on older devices, and the developers have added nice touches like convincing audio and two different music tracks.” CNET.com Skyworks has produced yet another great title, the game is user friendly, great game play, (and) easy to learn... The graphics...
[ ゲーム ]
Help Lizzy save her friends by using the power of your thumbs in this amazing bouncy physics adventure. The right part of the screen controls the little creature's right hand and the left part control its left hand. Gently move your thumbs left and right to gain momentum and get your swing on! The controls take a bit of practice to get used to but once you get the hang of it, you never wanna stop swaying. Unlock all 10 friends and explore all the 25 levels in the full version, ranging from easy to very challenging, keeping you s...
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