フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ゲーム ]
Your choices, your story, your episode: Love, Rock, and Surf! Is It Love? Adam is an interactive story in English. Like in TV sitcoms, new episodes (chapters) are regularly released. You can download this interactive love game for free. Will you find Love? Will you manage to seduce the drummer of a rock band? Story: You've been living in New York City for several months now working for the mysterious Ryan Carter, on one of the floors of the Carter Corporation building; a huge glass skyscraper overlooking Manhattan. Your life has...
[ エンターテインメント ]
“The Story You’re About to Hear is True.” These words were first uttered on June 3, 1949 when Dragnet came to the air as an Old Time Radio drama starring Jack Webb, who to that point had been known for playing cop-baiting hard boiled radio private detectives. Dragnet treated the police with respect and added an element of realism that has shaped every crime drama since. * PDF Handbooks for the show * Downloadble Wallpaper * Access to exclusive bonus content * Call the Show from your iPhone * Email the show your questions and co...
[ ゲーム ]
***** SAVE 25% on additional episodes by purchasing a SEASON PASS (episodes 2-4) ***** YOU’RE ON A CASE… BEYOND THE REALM OF POSSIBLE! Step into the shoes of Adam Wolfe, an investigator of the paranormal, in the most thrilling first person adventure of the year! Haunted by your sister’s mysterious disappearance, take to the streets of San Francisco, and witness the interplay of crime and supernatural phenomena! DISCOVER THE TRUTH - WHATEVER IT TAKES! Is each case you solve part of a bigger puzzle? Could it all be part of an intri...
[ ゲーム ]
-=[ REVIEWS ]=- AppShack: 8/10 A cute, fun, challenging casual arcade game that’s good for all ages Openfeint Free Game of the Day! Touch Volume: 80/100 Scoring a high point in story! FreeAppReport.com Featured App on 27 Oct 2011 -=[ AIRHEAD ADAM STORY ]=- AirHead needs your help! Right after the Almighty one created the first 2 humans, Adam was abducted by curious aliens! Although Adam broke out of the alien's spaceship, he was left stranded in space. AirHead Adam will need all the help he can get, to find his way hom...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Adam Clarke Bible Commentary a FREE, easy and friendly way to read the whole Bible with no need for internet connection. The Adam Clarke Bible Commentary App gives you an improved Bible experience by keeping track of your readings, having instant access to any chapter, adding customized bookmarks and much more. Adam Clarke Bible Commentary is the best Application to carry God’s Word. Have the Holy Bible at your fingertips anytime and anywhere you go. This daily Bible App contains the 66 books of the Old Testament and New Testamen...
[ 教育 ]
"... If you buy one app for your kid make it this one. I have about ten and this is by far his favorite one"- App Store Review "... My one year old loves it. This is the best learning tool on the iPhone to date. I have purchased 30+ baby app, and this is the best!" - App Store Review Recommended for ages: 18 months to 4 years Adam's Game is a game for toddlers and preschoolers. The game shows three pictures and asks your child (or a toddler at your preschool) to touch one of them ("Touch the cow!"). When your child picks the r...
[ 教育 ]
Adam's Artは、子ども向けのお絵かき/ぬり絵アプリです。自分で絵を描けるだけでなく、50ページ以上のカラーパレットからさまざまな色づけができます。描き終わると、仮想冷蔵庫に貼り付けたりiPhoneのアルバム内に保存できます。 主な特長 - クレヨンパターン10種を表示(背景と同色/マルチカラークレヨン含む) - 50ページを超えるカラーパレット(色見本帳と同等) - 背景を白または黒に変更 - カスタマイズ可能なインタラクティブ冷蔵庫ビュー。お気に入りの絵を飾れます 操作方法 - 指でスクリーンをなぞるだけでかんたんにお絵かきできます。 - 本体をシェイクして新...
[ ゲーム ]
ADAM - じっとしていられないかわいい小さなロボットを操作しよう。 ユニークなゲームプレイとカラフルな効果が特徴。 危険な無限スクロールの世界であなたの助けが必要です! ADAM 別名 - Artificial Defense Automation Module [人工防衛自動化モジュール] *これは広告およびアプリ内課金でなしのプレミアム版です。* 特徴: - シンプルで挑戦的なゲーム - 素敵なカラフル効果 - ユニークなエンドレスゲームを体験 - 古典的なチップチューンサウンドトラック - ユニバーサルアプリ; iPhoneとiPadをサポートする - Game Centerリーダーボード - ソーシャルネットワークのシェ...
[ ゲーム ]
Play as ADAM - a cute little robot - in this new game with unique mechanics. Featuring a unique visual style, ADAM will need your help to survive his endless scrolling world full of challenges and dangers! ADAM is short for Artificial Defense Automation Module. Features : - Addicting, endless gameplay - Unique visual style - Catchy chiptunes music - Watch and share replays (EveryPlay) How to play : - Tap the left button to make the robot's neck longer - Tap the right button to make the robot's neck shorter - Pull yourself up on t...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Ask Adam and he will tell you it straight! ****GREAT FUN APP**** Ask him a Yes or No question like: "Am i good looking?" and Adam will give you an answer, like "Oh Yes" He can also tell you if your telling a lie or not, simple say something to him or ask a friend to tell him something and he will tell you whether he thinks it a lie or not. **** GREAT FUN APP ***** **** Good fun with friends ***** Works on iPhones, iPod Touch and iPad 4.0 and above
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