フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ライフスタイル ]
このアプリについて すぐ働けて、すぐにお金がもらえる。ARPA LINK(アルパリンク)は、数時間から1日単位の単発・日払い稼働ですぐに働けて、働き終わったらすぐに報酬がもらえるアプリです。 スマホからかんたんに応募ができて、面接による合否判定や履歴書がありません。予定を確実に埋められて、すぐ働くことができます! スキマ時間に働きたい人 定期的な仕事やシフトで働けない人 本業と掛け持ちしてもう少しだけお金が欲しいという人 急な出費が必要になった人 働きたい!お金が欲しい!という人にぴったりのアプリです。 ■ARPA LINK(アルパリンク)の使い方・...
[ エンターテインメント ]
ARMirror is the first completly automatic video-live application based on the 3D face tracking module of ARPA® mobile, the Arpa Solutions´s Augmented Reality (AR) proprietary software platform . The user become a “world traveler” with ARMirror, feeling the magic of the Venice Carnival, discovering the adventure of going on Safari trip and much more! ARMirror (Augmented Reality 3D Mirror) is a completely automatic video-live virtual mirror that allows users to try different typical hats from exotic touristic destinations in...
[ 旅行 ]
Augmented San Francisco is an application that uses the power of ARPA® Mobile Augmented Reality Technology to locate quickly and easily points of interest in the City of San Francisco. See the points of interest that are around you and how to get to them through three operating modes: Augmented Reality, map and list mode. About ARPA® Mobile: ARPA® Mobile is the Augmented Reality software platform owned by Arpa Solutions for mobile devices that let you discover all type of interesting multimedia information around you.
[ ビジネス ]
TripBuilder EventMobile™ is the official mobile application for the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit taking place in the Washington, D.C. area starting February 9, 2015 Use this app to: • Easily view event info and more on your mobile phone. • Connect with other attendees, exhibitors, speakers, and partners. • Download contact information from all the connections you make at the Summit. • Maximize your time at the Event with the MyShow personalization tools. This TripBuilder EventMobile app is p...
[ 旅行 ]
Camino Mozárabe de Santiago es una aplicación que utiliza toda la potencia de la tecnología ARPA® Mobile de Realidad Aumentada para localizar de forma rápida y sencilla puntos de información, recursos patrimoniales, alojamiento, museos y restaurantes, de entre un repertorio de más de 400 puntos de interés que se encuentran ubicados en el recorrido del Camino Mozárabe de Santiago a partir de las distintas ubicaciones de salida que presenta en Almería, Córdoba, Granada, Jaén y Málaga. Permite seleccionar la categoría o las categorí...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
The ARPA Event App is the official app for events hosted by the Alberta Recreation and Parks Association. Build your itinerary, connect with other delegates, access venue maps, follow the event Twitter feed, and receive real-time updates and announcements on sessions, exhibitors, socials and much more! The ARPA Event App syncs across all your mobile devices, creating a seamless event experience.
[ ショッピング ]
ARPA Lombardia, Agenzia regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente della Lombardia, svolge funzioni di controllo, monitoraggio, educazione ambientale, informazione e ricerca su diversi temi a favore dei cittadini, delle imprese e della Pubblica Amministrazione. Entra nel mondo APP di Arpa che, partendo dal progetto di educazione ambientale “Ambientiamoci” , ti porterà a portata di touch nuove informazioni e servizi che stiamo preparando.
[ ライフスタイル ]
バイト・アルバイト・パート・正社員・派遣の求人を探すならアルパ。 希望のエリアと豊富な求人条件(バイト・アルバイト・パート・正社員・派遣の雇用形態や職種など)から求人を検索することができます。 アルパは求人検索だけでなく、様々な機能であなたのお仕事探しをバックアップ。 「あとで見る機能」や「最近検索した条件」などバイト・アルバイト・パート・正社員の求人探しを強力にサポートします。 KG情報が提供する総合求人サイト「アルパ(e-ARPA)」のiOSアプリ。 ■アルパの主な機能 ・勤務地・職種・雇用形態・こだわり(特徴)・駅・路線から簡単に求人を探すこ...
[ ゲーム ]
AntiCollision is a ship simulator with accurate real-time ship behavior, coupled with a RADAR/ARPA simulator that lets you be in charge of your own ship and do what is necessary to prevent a collision with any ship. This is a great tool for junior deck officers who are preparing for their exams and want to have some hands on experience in avoiding close quarter situations with other vessels. The ARPA simulator lets you activate a maximum of 6 targets for which you can choose individual range, bearing, course and speed. You can ...
[ ミュージック ]
"PLAY THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE" ti permette di suonare il ponte più famoso del mondo: il "Golden Gate Bridge" un ponte sospeso che sovrasta il Golden Gate, lo stretto che collega l'Oceano Pacifico con la Baia di San Francisco. L’applicazione ti permette di "suonare come fosse una grande arpa" o di "suonare come fosse una gigantesca tastiera musicale" il Golden Gate Bridge (anche utilizzando una tastiera MIDI esterna connessa al dispositivo portatile mediante adattatore USB - MIDI e Apple Camera Connection Kit oppure ad esempio trami...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

  コンタクト   プライバシーポリシー

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