フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ メディカル ]
iPro Anesthesia v2 offers the same great features as v1 but with improved look, feel, and functionality. The additional features continue to improve documentation and patient safety as well as help to minimize medication errors.
This AIMS fills the critical gaps in perioperative documentation. Plus, iPro Anesthesia will improve the efficiency of any facility by ensuring Anesthesiologists adhere to ever-changing compliance and regulatory measures. iPro Anesthesia offers an end-to-end dynamic AIMS with instantaneous access to data,...
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[ 教育 ]
This app aims to inform citizens with articles and videos for the independent presidential candidacy of RFK Jr. in the 2024 election. Emulating the legacy of his father and uncle, RFK Jr. aims to challenge the prevailing government corruption, which he believes is contributing to the ongoing inflation, housing, and health crisis.
Bobby has spent nearly 40 years fighting corrupt corporations and government agencies. During his tenure at RiverKeeper, he successfully sued dozens of municipalities to force compliance with the Clean Wa...
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[ 教育 ]
Urban Tourism is suitable for students who wish to improve knowledge in managing urban tourism destinations in the contemporary era. This app aims to acquaint students with the entanglement of urban tourism with everyday city life, as well as the interplay of urban dwellers and tourists, by applying relevant theories to urban and tourism studies. It also aims to get students to synthesis the concepts from a global perspective by using examples from the Asian region and beyond. The game inside enlightens students on the new urban to...
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[ 教育 ]
Tliet livelli - għal tfal minn 7 sa 11-il sena.
Varjeta' ta' siltiet: stejjer, riċetti, avviżi, djalogi, leġġendi u siltiet ta' informazzjoni.
Siltiet għas-smigħ u għall-qari għal kull livell.
10 mistoqsijiet marbutin ma' kull silta.
Nikber u Nitgħallem hija għodda ġdida biex it-tfal tagħna jisimgħu u jaqraw siltiet differenti bil-Malti. Permezz ta' din l-app, l-istudenti l-ewwel jaqraw jew jisimgħu silta bil-Malti u wara jirrispondu għaxar mistoqsijiet dwarha.
L-għan hu li jħarrġu l-memorja u jitgħallmu joqogħdu attenti għad-dett...
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[ ショッピング ]
Freshey’s has now launched ready to cook idli dosa batter as a first step in the partnership process , and aims to expand into all ready to cook and ready to eat products for your kitchen table. Freshey’s aims to bring back the tradition of home cooked meals, by offering you a hand… We would be your trusted partner in your kitchen and help you prepare the same mouth watering dishes that you enjoyed from your family for your loved ones, without breaking a sweat.
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[ ソーシャルネットワーキング ]
Everyone's favourite privacy-loving cat is now on iPhone! Get an encrypted cat in your pocket, have private chats with friends any time.
“Cryptocat has a simple, countercultural goal: people should be able to talk on the Internet without being subjected to surveillance.” — NYTimes
16th Annual Webby Awards Honoree, Social Media Category. — Webby Awards
Cryptocat lets you chat with privacy. It encrypts your chats and you already know how to use it.
Easily have group conversations with your friends without fearing monitoring or...
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[ ビジネス ]
The G20 is the premier platform for global economic and financial issues.
Turkey´s G20 Presidency aims to help enable inclusive and robust global growth through collective action with a view to lift the potential of the global economy.
Turkey’s G20 priorities are formulated as the three I’s: Inclusiveness, Implementation and Investment
As the 2015 G20 president, Turkey, aims to develop policies to better integrate disadvantaged groups such as women and youth into the economy, reduce inequality and promote integration of SMEs an...
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[ ショッピング ]
Sneakers Widget: Worldwide SNKRS Drops
Step into the future of sneaker releases with Sneakers Widget, the essential iOS app for tracking the latest and upcoming sneaker drops from Nike's SNKRS. Designed for sneaker enthusiasts and casual collectors alike, Sneakers Widget offers an innovative and stylish platform to keep you informed about the hottest sneakers hitting the market. With global coverage across 40 countries and a user-friendly interface, this app is your passport to the world's sneaker culture.
Key Featu...
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
*** 48 Hour Sale - 50% Off - Buy Soon ***
Buy Now Before Price Goes Back Up!
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique that aims to promote relaxation and wellness through deft hand movements. The practice of reiki aims to clear the energy pathways in and around the body that might be the underlying cause of illness and disease. These pathways, known as the chakras, meridians and aura facilitate the flow of energy and life force, regulating the important bodily mechanisms. This app will explain the detail of Reiki.
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[ メディカル ]
Synchronize stroke workflow at your hospital quickly and conveniently from anywhere, using Viz. Powered by artificial intelligence, Viz automatically detects suspected strokes on brain imaging and then triages cases to your phone within minutes.
Viz aims to fundamentally improve how healthcare is delivered in the world, through intelligent software that aims to reduce time to physician notification and improve access to care. In 95% of true positive cases, Viz LVO alerts the neurovascular specialist to suspected large vessel occl...
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