フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
The Financial Fitness Run (FFR) 2018 is the fun run of CFA Society Philippines that aims to capitalize on the popularity of the running sport in informing the investing public about the importance of being financially fit and how to be financially fit.
The FFR app aims to augment the fun run by providing a digital tool that displays all events, news, and announcements as well as a run feature that tracks a runner's progress in a fun run event. The app also shows your personal run records and compares them on a leaderboard agains...
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[ 教育 ]
Featured in iTunes Austria, Germany, Russia and the US!
This Virtual Smart Book (VSB) for Computer Science aims to introduce and teach many key concepts in Computer Science including the computer systems life cycle, software development, language translators, computer architecture, networking, data representation, errors, and utility software. It also aims to teach Java programming, covering such topics as identifiers, operators, control structures, classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and arrays.
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[ ショッピング ]
Nuddle is an online supermall that aims to bring the mall concept to the tip of our clients’ fingers while enhancing the levels of variety, convenience, safety and efficiency involved in the shopping process. Our purpose is to bring our customers common, as well as unique products and services online for fast, easy and safe delivery. We exist to give you seamless access to a wide range of wonderful stores, entrepreneurs, companies that are available on the market across South Africa and their products. We also aim to make your acce...
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[ メディカル ]
Developed by a Psychiatrist for mental health providers, from seasoned clinicians to students.
Psych Dx aims to be the pocket reference of choice, a learning tool regularly updated with new features.
Its goal is to offer something for providers at every level, from student to nurse to attending.
For students, why pay $8 for a laminated mental status exam card? Have psychiatric terms at your fingertips, handy pearls, as well as a glossary of terms and abbreviations.
For residents and attendings, have useful information without h...
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[ 写真/ビデオ ]
Life Easy (LE) Exif aims to provide a fast, easy and convenient way to check the photo details on your iPad or iPhone devices.
If you want to check the details of your pictures or images shared by others or those saved from internet, this is the best fit app for you. This application has basic support on iPad as well. The same app share on both devices. Once the app is running, user can swipe left or right at high speed to navigate the images, the photo date, shutter speed, ISO, aperture, etc ... are all shown. If you want to have...
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[ ミュージック ]
Pandora Radio - Rock For All Times
With the Pandora Radio application you can listen to the best of Rock n 'Roll anywhere and any time.
Pandora Radio is an online radio that aims to bring its listeners news, shows, promotions and of course, the best of Rock N 'Roll of all time.
Via interactive site, where listeners can participate in programming, Radio Pandora aims to reach as many listeners with quality and without distinction of age, after all, transmits Rock For All Times.
So, download the app and let's rock.
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[ ユーティリティ ]
-Roster view: Display the roster in an easy to read duty period format. Ability to view the duties in either UTC or local base or local station.
-Trip view: Break down the roster into trips and highlight the block, pax time and time away from base of each trip.
-Flight list: View a list of all the flight in a daily breakdown.
-Weather: Forecast display for each station in iPad version and each layover station in iPhone version.
-Fatigue Tracking: Integration with Crew Alert Pro in just one tap.
-Actual Times Import: Ability to auto...
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[ 教育 ]
Tliet livelli - għal tfal minn 7 sa 11-il sena.
Varjeta' ta' siltiet: stejjer, riċetti, avviżi, djalogi, leġġendi u siltiet ta' informazzjoni.
Siltiet għas-smigħ u għall-qari għal kull livell.
10 mistoqsijiet marbutin ma' kull silta.
Nikber u Nitgħallem hija għodda ġdida biex it-tfal tagħna jisimgħu u jaqraw siltiet differenti bil-Malti. Permezz ta' din l-app, l-istudenti l-ewwel jaqraw jew jisimgħu silta bil-Malti u wara jirrispondu għaxar mistoqsijiet dwarha.
L-għan hu li jħarrġu l-memorja u jitgħallmu joqogħdu attenti għad-dett...
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[ 教育 ]
App Iechyd Da (Good Health App) is a valuable learning, teaching and research resource for all medical and healthcare students in Wales. It aims to highlight the importance of Welsh Language Awareness for such students who during their academic studies have to successfully complete a significant amount of time in the real life of clinical, local authority, private and voluntary sectors. Such placements are often in communities and with individuals whose first language is Welsh. This current educational resource will develop a bette...
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[ メディカル ]
LearnENT is the official educational application of the Canadian Society of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. Developed by students, residents & faculty from across Canada, LearnENT is a collaborative effort that aims to provide a standardized approach to education in Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery.
• LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS: history, physical, anatomy, pathophysiology and more
• AVOID COMMON PITFALLS: LearnENT highlights common learner mistakes for each part of the physical exam
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