フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ユーティリティ ]
Access encrypted files and folders on your Dropbox™, Microsoft OneDrive™ or Google Drive™ cloud storage. You can easily browse and view encrypted files previously created with "DriveLock File Protection" on your Mac or Windows computer (sold separately). Of course you also can use DriveLock to access files in unencrypted folders the same way, so you only need one app to access all your documents on any supported cloud services. All common file types can be displayed like Office and iWork files (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Pages, Nu...
[ ビデオ ]
Drylab Dailies is a powerful dailies distribution system you can incorporate into any workflow, and that's simple to use anywhere. It has been developed by industry professionals, with first-hand knowledge of practical issues and security requirements, and has already been used on international productions such as Stella Days (starring Martin Sheen) and A Thousand Times Goodnight (starring Juliette Binoche). No other system on the market is so versatile, so user friendly, or so secure. Collaboration Digital filmmaking was supposed...
[ ビジネス ]
TouchDown for Aruba brings you exchange connectivity secured through Aruba. Please be aware that due to iOS platform limitations, “push” email and notifications are not available in TouchDown for Aruba. The application will sync when it is open and running in the foreground on the device. With more than a million users, TouchDown is the leading Microsoft® ActiveSync email solution for securing corporate email on mobile devices. This cost-effective solution provides a highly secure container for all corporate data so administrat...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Don’t want your passwords in the cloud? Keep them local, offline and away from hackers. Sync multiple devices locally with AirDrop. NO subscriptions. NO email sign up. NO Ads. Surepass Free Edition stores 15 passwords. For lifetime unlimited password storage upgrade Surepass with a single In-App purchase for all your devices. FEATURES * Easy searching, sorting and grouping of your passwords. * AutoFill for Websites and Apps. * Auto generate Strong, Safe passwords. * Copy/paste passwords to clipboard. * Touch ID - easy access...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
PLEASE NOTE: TouchDown Enterprise edition requires an Enterprise License before it will configure and begin syncing mail. Please confirm with your company’s IT Administrator before downloading this version of TouchDown. NEW! TouchDown now supports iOS7 battery optimized background fetch to keep content up to date even when application is not running in foreground. With more than a million users, TouchDown is the leading Microsoft® ActiveSync email solution for securing corporate email on mobile devices. This cost-effective solu...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Guardlock allows you to make secure end-to-end encrypted calls using your own phone. The main features include: MILITARY-GRADE ENCRYPTION AES-256 AES-256: official standard adopted by the US Federal Government and in accordance with the NSA Suite B encryption standards. ANONYMITY ON COMMUNICATION Use any nickname, for example, "tornado172" and talk with "hollywood" safely and anonymously. INDEPENDENCE FROM TELEPHONE OPERATOR A telephone operator is not necessary or even a SIM card, only internet connection (3G, 4G or Wi-Fi). M...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
你可以买到什么? 这个人很懒,什么也没说 Support SS SSR: 1. SS ALL 暂不支持chacha20-ietf-poly1305,aes-256-gcm 2. SSR protocol: "origin", "verify_simple", "auth_simple", "auth_sha1", "auth_sha1_v2", "auth_sha1_v4", "auth_aes128_md5", "auth_aes128_sha1" "auth_chain_a" " auth_chain_b " " auth_chain_c " " auth_chain_d " " auth_chain_e " " auth_chain_f " 3. 混淆obfs: "plain", "http_simple", "htt...
[ ユーティリティ ]
史上最安全、最强大的、最高效、内容最丰富的记忆器。 - 现实中有太多的东西需要记忆,往往还没记住就忘记了,怎么办?有保密箱为您效劳,无限的记忆,数据永远不会丢失。保密箱是一款单机应用,采用军用级(AES-256)加密技术,对所有的数据进行加密,有效防止黑客侵入、偷窥者、以及用心不良者。 保密箱提供以下特色功能,让您选择保密箱永不后悔。 1. 数据安全 -可靠 、单机应用,不联网别人无法偷窥。 -保密箱中的所有数据都是经过加密的,设置中提供了数据自毁、与即时锁定功能,即使您的手机丢失了,别人也无法看到您的数据。 -内置密码生成器,1 - 32位 随机密码...
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Password Repository is the iOS and macOS native app to manage all your passwords and all the related data in a safe way on your iPhone and iPad and Mac. SIMPLE AND POWERFUL Password Repository it's a document based app and allows you to manage an unlimited numbers of documents, any containing unlimited password records (even the iOS version has the same multi-document capability of the macOS version). Any created document is protected by a 'Master Password' with AES-256 encryption algorithm, using the latest native Cocoa libra...
[ ユーティリティ ]
あなたのプライバシーは重要です。ウェブを閲覧するときは、高速で安全な仮想プライベートネットワークサービスを使って、安全性と匿名性を確保してください。HotBot VPNを今日ダウンロードして、完全なプライバシーとセキュリティ、高速スピードでウェブを閲覧しましょう。仮想ロケーションも変更可能です。すべて私たちのお手頃で使いやすいアプリが可能にします。今日登録して無料トライアルをお楽しみください。 最高のVPNサービスはいくつか共通の機能があります。HotBot VPNはそのすべてを提供します。 プライベートでオンラインをブラウズ HotBot VPNを開始すると、私...
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「iPhone & iPad アプリランキング」は、最新かつ詳細なアプリ情報をご紹介しているサイトです。 お探しのアプリに出会えるように様々な切り口でページをご用意しております。

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