フリーワード アプリケーション検索
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[ ビジネス ]
* 您的生活中是否有這樣的問題?
* 密碼越來越多,...應該怎樣記憶...
* 密碼全都一樣?一旦洩露,全軍覆沒...
* 密碼完全混淆?輸入無從下手...
* 密碼記在本子上?不安全...
* 所有信息都記在密碼保險箱里,只有登錄才能查看,把好信息安全第一關~
* 存儲內容可以加密導出到電腦...
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[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
* 您的生活中是否有這樣的問題?
* 密碼越來越多,...應該怎樣記憶...
* 密碼全都一樣?一旦洩露,全軍覆沒...
* 密碼完全混淆?輸入無從下手...
* 密碼記在本子上?不安全...
* 所有信息都記在口袋保險箱里,只有登錄才能查看,把好信息安全第一關~
* 存儲內容可以加密導出到電腦...
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[ 旅行 ]
次の旅行の準備で忙しいですか?My Vacation HDは旅行の計画と記録をiPad上で行える簡単に使えるアプリです。
● リスト作成とメモ機能 – 行き先、持って行く物の計画と重要な情報を保管するのに理想的です
● 写真、ビデオ、場所、音声と手記などを含む旅行記
● 特別に選んだバックグラウンドとミュージックが付いたスライドショーで旅行をプレイバック
● 旅行を共有しバックアップする数々の方法 - Facebook, Flickr, Dropbox, Email, Blogger, WordpressとTwitterなど
“素晴らしいアプリ – これは私のiPadで最高のアプリと言えます。飛び切りのビジュアルダイアリ...
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[ ライフスタイル ]
* 您的生活中是否有這樣的問題?
* 密碼越來越多,微博,QQ,銀行,郵箱...應該怎樣記憶...
* 密碼全都一樣?一旦洩露,全軍覆沒...
* 密碼完全混淆?輸入無從下手...
* 密碼記在本子上?每天換包包忘記攜帶怎么辦?被媽媽看到怎麼辦?不安全...
* 關鍵時刻,想要記錄密碼缺不知道記在哪裡...
* 所有信息都記在小小保險箱里,只有登錄才能查看,把好信息安全第一關~
* 存儲內容可以加密導出到電腦備份,不必擔心內容無故丟失,為您解決後顧之憂~
* 設有獨立還原密碼功能,輸入密碼...
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[ ブック ]
《the window》is the story created by Sean Chuang, a commercial film director and comic artist from Taiwan. It took him ten years to finish this work, which he pays his homage to Bande Dessines and European scenery.
Once upon a time, somewhere in south Europe, an ordinary small town, there is a girl on the wheelchair, she could not move out her room. The window is her only connection to the world. Meeting a grocery store boy by accident, he took her to find a bigger world. Then the war cames…….
It’s a story without dialogue, a co...
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[ ブック ]
《the window》is the story created by Sean Chuang, a commercial film director and comic artist from Taiwan. It took him ten years to finish this work, which he pays his homage to Bande Dessines and European scenery.
Once upon a time, somewhere in south Europe, an ordinary small town, there is a girl on the wheelchair, she could not move out her room. The window is her only connection to the world. Meeting a grocery store boy by accident, he took her to find a bigger world. Then the war cames…….
It’s a story without dialogue, a co...
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[ ブック ]
《the window》is the story created by Sean Chuang, a commercial film director and comic artist from Taiwan. It took him ten years to finish this work, which he pays his homage to Bande Dessines and European scenery.
Once upon a time, somewhere in south Europe, an ordinary small town, there is a girl on the wheelchair, she could not move out her room. The window is her only connection to the world. Meeting a grocery store boy by accident, he took her to find a bigger world. Then the war cames…….
It’s a story without dialogue, a co...
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