フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ ライフスタイル ]
「一隅を照らす運動」の公式アプリです。 公式アプリでは、運動に関わるお知らせや活動内容について発信しています。 「一隅を照らす運動」は、「一隅を照らす、これすなわち国宝なり」という伝教大師最澄 さまのご精神を現代に生かし、信仰と実践によって一人ひとりが心豊かな人間になり、 平和で明るい世の中を共に築いていこうという社会啓発運動です。
[ ブック ]
《the window》is the story created by Sean Chuang, a commercial film director and comic artist from Taiwan. It took him ten years to finish this work, which he pays his homage to Bande Dessines and European scenery. Once upon a time, somewhere in south Europe, an ordinary small town, there is a girl on the wheelchair, she could not move out her room. The window is her only connection to the world. Meeting a grocery store boy by accident, he took her to find a bigger world. Then the war cames……. It’s a story without dialogue, a co...
[ ライフスタイル ]
Vintage1961 offers a wonderfully curated pre-loved vintage/antique goods, vintage-inspired items, and unique handicraft with history, fine quality & exquisite design in a nostalgic European style. Vintage1961 online shop provides worldwide delivery to share the vintage passion across the globe. New stock every week. 「昔日的優雅生活態度」——我們相信「古著」不僅是物件本身,更是喚回往昔品味之所繫。 Vintage1961精心蒐集古董器物、復古設計與罕見手工藝品,於城市一隅匯聚歷史、匠人心思與 古歐洲風格工巧設計. 線上商店不但每週更新貨品,更提供...
[ ブック ]
《the window》is the story created by Sean Chuang, a commercial film director and comic artist from Taiwan. It took him ten years to finish this work, which he pays his homage to Bande Dessines and European scenery. Once upon a time, somewhere in south Europe, an ordinary small town, there is a girl on the wheelchair, she could not move out her room. The window is her only connection to the world. Meeting a grocery store boy by accident, he took her to find a bigger world. Then the war cames……. It’s a story without dialogue, a co...
[ ブック ]
《the window》is the story created by Sean Chuang, a commercial film director and comic artist from Taiwan. It took him ten years to finish this work, which he pays his homage to Bande Dessines and European scenery. Once upon a time, somewhere in south Europe, an ordinary small town, there is a girl on the wheelchair, she could not move out her room. The window is her only connection to the world. Meeting a grocery store boy by accident, he took her to find a bigger world. Then the war cames……. It’s a story without dialogue, a co...
[ ブック ]
《the window》is the story created by Sean Chuang, a commercial film director and comic artist from Taiwan. It took him ten years to finish this work, which he pays his homage to Bande Dessines and European scenery. Once upon a time, somewhere in south Europe, an ordinary small town, there is a girl on the wheelchair, she could not move out her room. The window is her only connection to the world. Meeting a grocery store boy by accident, he took her to find a bigger world. Then the war cames……. It’s a story without dialogue, a co...
[ ブック ]
勝者になるまでの準備 「起業したい!」のために ウェルカム!「ワンダーワールド」! 時代の先行きが不透明な中、最近ではまさに「起業」ブームと言えるくらい「起業」を目指す方が多くなってきました。では、なぜこの「起業」ブームが起きてきたのでしょうか?よく言われる「雇用体系の変化」「年金問題」「少子化による景気の減速」など様々な理由などが考えられますが、要は「自分の未来がこのままではヤバイ!何とかしなきゃ!」という思いが強くなり、結果「国や会社、人には頼れない。だから自立しなきゃ」という行動の一つが「起業」という結果につながっているわけで...
[ 教育 ]
西窗烛是一款弘扬中华优秀传统文化的古诗词应用,提供唐诗、宋词、古文、典籍、绘画、写字、原创、朗诵等诗词学习工具和创作社区。西窗烛的诞生旨在建立诗词与用户、传统与现代、价值与传承的沟通桥梁,让用户可以更便捷、更全面、更自由地触达到中华优秀传统文化领域。 ▣ 西窗愿景 「西窗烛」愿成为一扇「窗」,窗的一边是中国传统文化之美,另一边,是大家。古典文化,现代传承。 ▣ 所获荣誉 * Apple 线下零售店演示 App * Apple Newsroom官网报道 * App Store 月度好App * iOS 15 精选活动推荐 App * iOS 14 精选推荐 App * iOS 13 App Store Banner 推荐 App * iOS 12...
[ ブック ]
--------------------【注目】--------------------- 書籍価格998円がココでは700円で販売中!! 1人でも多くこの書籍と出会えた事を喜んで欲しいです。 ------------------------------------------------- おちまさとプロデュース待望の電子書籍!第三弾! 『イケてる面接術』です! 電子書籍特典として、おちまさと氏のサインを入れてご提供致します!! ★その他の書籍も大好評配信中!! 【おちまさと】で検索!! --------------------------------------------------------------- 数々のムーブメントを生み出した稀代のヒットメーカー、おちまさと。 大人気の教科書シリ...
[ ゲーム ]
玉兰历9999年,一名叫林雷-巴鲁克的少年意外拔出作为上古魔法阵阵眼的紫血神剑,魔兽王者帝林率众脱困而出,一时间魔兽肆虐,大陆生灵哀嚎遍野。史称"毁灭之日"。 毁灭之日后,大陆第一修炼天才林雷崛起,杀克莱德,灭四翼天使,逼退光明裁判长乌森诺,建立巴鲁克帝国!短短数十年,大陆势力版图便重新划分:奥布莱恩帝国,玉兰帝国,巴鲁克帝国三分天下,冰雪女神殿和极东大草原偏居一隅,罗奥帝国成为几股势力争夺的要冲。 正在大陆势力重新洗牌之际,来自异位面的强者脱困而出,凭借强大实力四处杀戮!一时间,大陆形势愈发扑朔迷离,山雨欲来风满楼! 本游戏是以盘龙小说故...
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