Ardozia 提供アプリ一覧

[ 教育 ]
The Little Maestro app is a musical concert where the child is the maestro. There is a man that spends his nights traveling from village to village with his...
[ ブック ]
Hedgehog book app main goal is to stimulate children’s creativity through the reading or listening of fun stories developed from interactive illustrations. ...
[ 教育 ]
The magic of Christmas songs reached Little Maestro. Enjoy and play with your favorite Christmas songs with this special edition of Little Maestro. Be surpri...
[ 教育 ]
Familiae app main goal is to help and guide your child to learn and identify the family names on an enjoyable and fun way, but also educational. With familia...
[ 教育 ]
Esta aplicação é da responsabilidade da APSI - Associação para a Promoção da Segurança Infantil. Dirige-se a todas as famílias e profissionais que se preocu...
[ ブック ]
Alheada do que a rodeia e centrada em si, ela lança-se num mergulho dentro do azul para se reencontrar. O dia-a-dia, a actividade, a rotina, as expectativas...
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