Scholars of WWDC

価格 無料
開発者Matthijs Logemann
リリース日2015-06-06 13:39:40
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 9.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
WWDC is great. Actually, it’s insane! We are a team of WWDC scholarship winners and we want is to change the world with code. We worked day and night to reach our goal, to get a scholarship for this year's WWDC. Many developers have applied, but only we were able to code what would bring us to San Francisco.

We’re scholars from all around the world and we combined our knowledge, our innovation and our love for software to build this app to inspire kids, students, and future iOS developers to build apps that can change the world.

What does this app do?

Well, it contains us, WWDC scholarship winners, our works and how you can connect with us. Chat with other scholars and get to know them better!

Read blogposts of your fellow scholars and keep learning!

With this app, we are able to showcase our talents and inspire future generation to build things, to make a difference and to change the world.

We are the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, and the ones who see things differently. We are the epicenter of change. We are the WWDC student scholarship winners of 2016.


Introducing Scholars of WWDC, Version 2.0. Browse and search Scholars based on the year they have attended! You can also save your favorite Scholars, too. We have started collecting all the WWDCScholars from all the batches. If you are one of us, add yourself in at !

You can now connect with Scholars easily from within the app. Meet with other developers, organize events and talk about everything you want! You can also read and share your experiences, ideas and projects in the blog section. Submit posts and edit your profile straight from the app.

So to recap the new features of version 2.0:

SCHOLARS HISTORY - Bigger and better. Now, you have the ability to browse through a collection of Scholars from this year until 2011

SAVE SCHOLARS - Ability to save your favorite Scholars

SEARCH SCHOLARS - Ability to search Scholars easily within the app.

EDIT DETAILS - You can now log in to the app and change your details right in it.

BLOG - Read and share your experiences, ideas and projects in the blog section. You can also submit posts right from within the app.

CHAT - Get in touch with other Scholars! Meet up, plan events and build great things together.

NEW UI - Everything looks totally different now!

Why are we doing all of this? Simply because we are WWDCScholars and we are crazy enough to change the world! If you have any suggestions or questions, email us at ! We're happy about any kind of feedback!

// This app is not affiliated with Apple, Inc. It is made by a group of WWDCScholars who want to inspire more people to learn how to code.
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