Game Audio 101 - Demystifying Game Audio

価格 840円
349.6MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者ASK Video
リリース日2015-05-11 17:05:58
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-07 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Calling all composers and audio experts! If you're looking to have a career in Game Audio, this course is required viewing!

In Demystifying Game Audio you'll get a real world education on everything you need to know AND everything you need to do to jumpstart your career creating sound and music for games!

What's the fastest growing segment of the entertainment industry? GAMES! Last we looked, the video game industry's revenue was about $50,000,000,000 (that's $50 billion!) and we think a chunk of that should be in your pocket! To get a piece of that prize you'll need the audio skills and business smarts to succeed! That's exactly why we've created this series of courses – because you've got to know all this important stuff if you're looking to be in the business of creating music and audio for games!

Follow along as game industry expert Steve Horowitz (the other Steve H!) takes you through a Game Audio masterclass beginning with a complete history of the industry. From there, this course proceeds to gives you a breakdown of who does what in the game industry and explains where you, – the audio experts – fit in. You'll also learn who you'll need to take out to dinner to get the gig! Then, in the final section of tutorials, Steve dives into an overview of the mega-pack of technical knowledge you need to know to get you gaming your audio in no time flat!

So put your game controller down and start learning how to be a creator of games, not just a consumer of games!

Table of contents:

1. Introduction
2. Careers In Game Audio?
3. The Game Market
4. Video Game Structure & Platforms
5. Categorizing Games
6. Game Genres & Styles
7. Managing Game Audio Assets
8. Audio History & Development
9. Size vs. Quality
10. Compression, FM Audio & MIDI
11. Audio File Formats
12. Game Production Roles
13. Audio Production Roles
14. Music Production Roles
15. Importance of Game Audio
16. Game Audio Subcategories
17. Ask Questions
18. Game Music Can...
19. Prehistory, Arcade & Early Consoles
20. 1980s & MIDI
21. Today's Offerings
22. Cinematic's and Loops
23. Transitions
24. Interactive vs. Adaptive Music
25. Applying Adaptive Music Concepts
26. All About Middleware
27. Voice Over Can...
28. VO Producer, Agent & VO Talent
29. The VO Engineer
30. VO Editing & Mastering
31. Wrapping It Up

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更新日時:2024年9月7日 00時16分




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