SoundKey Keyboard - Customizable Musical Keyboard for Music Lovers

価格 無料
開発者Benoit Schtraouss
リリース日2015-10-11 08:07:29
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
With SoundKey, type everything with harmony and melody & raise your keyboard to a whole new level!

- Now you can type all your text messages, mails & social media interactions with a catchy music background created by yourself

- Every single letter, word & sentence typed generates its own melody

- You can also adjust your beat's rhythm by typing slower or faster

- Based on your mood or tastes, change instruments/sounds directly in our keyboard's extension

We provide a selection of sophisticated instruments as well as funny sounds:

- Acoustic Guitar
- Flute
- Grand Piano
- 8-bits
- Banjo
- Bass
- Bells
- Electric Guitar
- Hip Hop Beats
- Organ
- Music Box
- Pan Flute
- Pipa (Chinese Strings)
- Pulsar
- Trumpet
- Ensemble
- Pizzicato
- Sitar
- Smooth Synth
- SpaceDrum
- Trap Bells
- Violin
- Xylophone
- Harp
- Soft Synth
- Tropical Drums

-More surprises coming soon!

We regularly upload new instruments and beats so as to provide a larger variety of sounds and let you discover infinite melodies you can create yourself just by typing.
Express your wanderlust thanks to music and unleash your creativity.

Have a great deal of fun thanks to SoundKey, and we will end this description by a quote that defines our vision:

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm for sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good, just and beautiful, of which is the invisible, but nevertheless dazzling, passionate, and eternal form”
(By Sir John Lubbock, who attributed the quote to Plato).

Don’t hesitate to share the app with your friends & your close ones! Also, feel free to send any comment or recommendations on our official social media & follow us @SoundKey_World (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook)

Furthermore, help us grow the #SOUNDKEY / #SOUNDKEYWORLD community with your imagination & your creations!

A fluffy surprise!
New sounds & icons: Cat's Meow, Pulsar, Trap Bells, SpaceDrum, Music Box, Accordion, Bass.
QWERTY keyboard
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 14時21分




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