Kitchen Angel - Recipe Organiser & Premium Cookbook

価格 無料
160.0MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Ki Hong Kim
リリース日2015-07-21 00:02:37
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
A premium recipe organizer & cookbook with 60 recipes

1. Record, collect, and share your favorite recipes, foods, or anything else.

- Eye-catching dishes encountered on your holiday trips.
- Memorable dining at a restaurant or at your home.
- Elaborate food made to share with your friends or family.
- Upload to SNS (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Weibo, etc.)

2. This app includes free recipes and many premium in-app purchase recipes. Each recipe has step by step images and Leigh's Kitchen's secret know-hows. Simply follow the directions to make healthy, delicious, beautiful, and high quality dishes.

- Christmas Cocktail - NEW
- Roast Turkey - NEW
- Shrimp Asparagus Bisque - NEW
- Clam Chowder Soup - NEW
- Mashed Potato Christmas Tree - NEW
- Insalata Caprese - NEW
- Farfalle Salad - NEW
- Tomato Clam Soup - NEW
- Conchiglie Gratin - NEW
- Wild Arugula Shrimp Salad - NEW
- Orange Pumpkin Soup - NEW
- Fig Salad - NEW
- Zucchini Egg Soup - NEW
- Baguette Dip & Spreads - NEW
- Asparagus Soup - NEW
- Scallop Salad - NEW
- Veggie Mild Soup - NEW
- Pickled Vegetables - NEW
- Avocado Grapefruit Salad - NEW
- Cauliflower Apple Soup - NEW
- Carrot Soup - NEW
- Ricotta Cheese Salad
- Tortilla Arugula Pizza
- Yogurt Cereal
- Tuna Baguette Sandwich - NEW
- Eggplant Lasagna - NEW
- Tuna Corn Chowder - NEW
- Salmon Mille Feuille - NEW
- Bell Pepper Sandwich - NEW
- Bell Pepper Boat - NEW
- Watermelon Punch
- Mushroom Gratin
- Prosciutto Melon Salad
- Veggie Mussels
- Raspberry Ade
- Mushroom Truffle Soup
- Mango Milk Ice Flakes
- Eggplant Bruschetta
- Sweet Potato Basi
- Beef Roll and Tofu Salad
- Prosciutto ALT Sandwiches
- Mussels Fall in Love with Salsa
- Melon Salad
- Salmon Salad
- BibimBap
- Oyster Carpaccio
- Mojito
- Nachos with Salsa & Guacamole
- Salmon Ssam
- Baked Banana with Ice Cream
- Bread Salad
- Elffaw Waffle
- Sprouts Bruschetta
- Shiitake Jeon
- Genmai Salad
- Genmai Cha (Tea)
- Bread Pudding
- Temaki (California Hand Roll)
- Prawn with Spinach
- Salmon Sandwiches
- Spring Garden Jeon

3. Food not only enriches our dining experiences, but also provides ample topics to talk about. Sitting across a table with food in between creates new relationships and improves the quality of life, thus makes us lively. Making, eating, and sharing food also give joy to our social lives. Food, taking a part of our lives and cultures, not only takes care of our health and quality of life, but also serves as a door to the world.

***** FEATURES *****

Home screen - Randomly selected Leigh's Kitchen food image is diplayed with short description about the food. Image and description are changed every 20 seconds. If the food description is longer than the available display space, scroll the text up/down to see the rest of the description.

√ Swipe left or right to navigate between pages of content.
√ Page number is shown between image and description.

My Memories Screen - You can record and collect recipes and dining experiences in this screen. Kitchen Angel helps you to record and share memorable cuisines, from home-made meals to exotic dishes from restaurants. Capture a moment of your life with great foods to remember the day's atmosphere.

√ Take photo
√ Add pictures from gallery
√ Keep screen on
√ Share your recipe
√ Remove pictures from the recipe
√ Erase content

Leigh's Kitchen Screen - This app also has Leigh’s Kitchen's delicious, easy, and healthy food recipes that show step by step photos and directions. Simply follow the directions to make delicious and beautiful high quality dishes. Leigh’s Kitchen recipes and know-hows will be periodically updated. Buying a recipe will provide you with the recipe’s ingredients, detailed cooking procedures, and step by step images. Everybody can follow the directions easily. You can also use various features including timer.

√ Start/stop timer
√ Set timer / remaining time
√ Pause/resume timer
√ Buy the recipe
√ Keep screen on

- 21 new recipes are added
- Fixed a few typos and minor bugs
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 08時25分




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