Zing TV App

価格 無料
開発者Zing Media LLC
リリース日2015-08-04 10:04:23
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Zing is a new app you that connects you with everyone watching the same TV show. Any show, any time. It also allows broadcasters to communicate directly with the audience real time during the program, and allows celebrities to stop by and watch any show with the whole audience.

Once you download Zing and sign up, complete the on boarding process and preferences and review the quick side bar tutorials. Then set up your Celeb group and any Friends groups you want, and you’re ready to go. Just sit down in front of any TV and pick the show you are watching on the Zing channel guide. You’re immediately brought into the entire community of people across the US watching that show!

Once you’ve picked a show, you can Comment about the show any time. No texting needed – it’s fast and easy. Just touch the comment you want and toss the Comment bubble out of the top of the phone. You’ve spoken! And on Zing, you’re voice always counts, and is included in the real time results that everyone sees.

To see what everyone else is saying, just look at the Results page. There’s a map of the US showing what the audience is thinking about the show right then, and how it varies by location. Zing cuts through the clutter and easily lets you know what the audience is thinking. When a new comment is trending, Zing immediately lets you know.

You can also ask a question to the whole audience! The results to each question appear on Zing automatically right after everyone answers. You can also check the results state by state on the map, and see the historical results for any question that’s been asked during that show. Questions can come from the audience, the broadcaster, or Celebs. And you!

Zing also lets you set up Friends Groups and watch any show with any group you have. When you’re in the group, you can see all of your friends Comments, Answers to questions and Shout Outs. Shout Outs are in-group text messages that only go to people in your Friends Group. Zing also automatically analyzes your group’s feedback and compares it to what the audience thinks. Do you friends agree with the audience about the show? Find out on Zing!

Set up a Celeb Group on Zing, and see what Celebs are watching the same show as you! You can see all the Comments, Answers to questions, and Shout Outs of the Celebs you follow. If you really like what a Celeb has said, touch that Shout Out in your Celeb feed to Like It, and let them know! Zing also automatically compares your Celebs’ Comments to what the audience is saying.

There’s another big story going on during any TV show, and that’s what the audience is thinking about the show. Zing gives you that story, makes you part of it, and connects everyone watching any TV program.

Minor bug fixes and Performance enhancements
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 18時28分




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