Tworlds - Two worlds, one moment.

価格 無料
開発者Noodlewerk Apps
リリース日2015-02-21 02:39:54
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 9.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-02 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Do you ever wonder if someone else somewhere else is doing or feeling the same at thát very same moment? Tworlds helps you find out by comparing your everyday life anonymously with a random stranger.

It’s a fun social competition. Who’s party is more fun? Who’s baby is cuter? Who’s got the nicer view while drinking a coffee?
Or find the like-minded. Who’s also feeling sad? Who’s also angry? Who also can’t sleep?
But for whatever reason you’re tworlding, you’re discovering the unknown.

Not only your thought or feeling become connected, but the visual moment capturing it all. It’s all about this unprejudiced little moment of connection. So tworld it!

Go to for our whole manifest!

How it works:
* Choose your theme.
* Click! (That’s right. No filter! Only the real moment. :)
* Tworlds combines the picture with a corresponding moment of a random stranger and spot at that specific same moment somewhere else on our big ass globe.
* The combined image (we bombed it the tworld) shows you the countries and cities. No worries, it’s anonymous and not more specific, only to the level of city.
* Keep the tworld to yourself, show it to your friends or share it!
* Look back all your tworlds in the library.

It's been awhile! Do you still remember us?

We've added some nice new features to Tworlds, so be sure to check them out! If you come across anything strange, don't hesitate to send us an email at or poke us on Twitter at @tworldsapp!


• Statistics! •
Since everyone always wants to know more about their Tworlds, we added some cool new stats! You can find them in your timeline! We also included Countries and Continents! These take awhile to fill up from your old timeline, so don't worry. To speed up the process, just take a break and enjoy some of your older Tworlds :)

• Suggest a #moment! •
While we haven't found a way yet for everyone to create their own #moment, we do want to hear what kind of moments you would like to see! You can submit your ideas and suggestions to us! We promise to look through each and every one of them :)

• FAQ! •
All of you Tworlders are awesome and you ask great questions. We've compiled a list of the most asked questions and put them in the app. Still, if you have a question, drop us a line!


• We've made it clearer that the 'Try it out' method for new users is actually offline and won't be shared. Don't be afraid to try your selfie! Or just something random :)
• Your default share text on Twitter now mentions @tworldsapp instead of our website.
• We point to our FAQ to explain why we use Twitter and Facebook as our only login methods.
• The contact email in our privacy policy immediately opens a mail screen.
• We fixed a bug where you would see your counter-Tworld twice in the map view, if you view the map immediately after receiving the Tworld.

Also, we updated our Privacy Policy. Nothing that you should worry about, but we updated our email link.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月2日 09時21分




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