Uber Success Plan: The Best Goal Planning, Productivity Increasing Success App In The Planet

価格 240円
開発者Adam Siddiq
リリース日2014-09-20 03:51:45
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-03 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Welcome to your Uber Success Plan! This app was inspired by techniques learned from great productivity wizards, successful leaders and outstanding organizers. This is better than ANY TO DO LIST out there!

Why? Because traditional to do lists are unfulfilling. They rarely keep you focused on the ultimate result you are after and rather focus on what you have to do...sometimes making it feel like a chore. As you cross off your actions from your to do list, that's if you complete them all within your deadline...you don't get to capture the fulfillment that comes with the success.

This is why we created the Uber Success Plan. We want to make results-planning and goal-setting a very fulfilling and rewarding experience!

The purpose of this app is to provide you with a simple, fun and effective method to create your Uber Success Plan for each area of your life. You can set goals for your day, week, month, year, and life and chunk it down in an easy to view format...allowing you to know exactly the result you're focused on achieving, your purpose and WHY factor that'll give you the motivation and drive to achieve that result, and your steps to take...your massive action plan to make it all happen.

What people are saying:

"Like a little life coach in my pocket." - Paul, NYC

"This app is great, it really helps you achieve your goals by reminding you of why you started them in the first place!" - Nick, CA

"Simple and effective" - Candy

Some Uber Awesome features include:
- Prioritizing goals
- Quick action add tab
- Reminders and alerts
- Horizontal, beautiful view of your plans
- Fun victory celebration on completion of actions and goals
- Quick add motivation and drive
- Guided info tutorial to inspire the best out of you
- Simple, beautiful design
- Expanded view of schedule with action forecast on homescreen
- Swipe from right to left over an action or goal to mark it as complete or delete it. If you accidentally mark it as complete, swipe again and hit the checkmark button.

We plan on enhancing and adding more features to the app in the future to create the best planning experience for you! So forget any to do lists you've had and grab your Uber Success Plan now and share your results with us at info@grouwer.com!

If you liked our app in any way, we always appreciate a positive review from you!

***Take full control of your results and New Year's resolutions this year starting NOW!
***Be sure to check out the support site for great productivity hacking articles and tutorials: www.grouwer.com

Enjoy the newly updated tutorials to help you greater understand the process of creating an Uber Success Plan.

Enjoy the new sleek icon look.

We also corrected a bug that was showing up with FB sharing your victory celebration with your friends.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月3日 20時14分




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