Sleep Genius With Revive Cycle Alarm – Power Nap, Relaxation, and Sleep Tracking

価格 無料
開発者Publica DDM
リリース日2014-05-28 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-07 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Featured on: The TODAY Show, CBS-News, ESPN, and many more.

Sleep is one of the biggest factors to your health. 25% of the population is taking sleeping pills. 55% of people who sleep less than 5.5 hours a night are overweight. We developed Sleep Genius to address one of the largest health issues on the planet.

Sleep Genius is the most scientifically designed sound program for sleep in the world today. It is now available in an app for your premier health and well- being. The Sleep Genius app was crated following decades of research to develop algorithms that trigger your brain into sleeping FASTER, LONGER and DEEPER than ever before.

White Noise is DANGEROUS to your health. Do not get trapped into playing waterfalls or nature sounds or plain white noise as you sleep.

The neurosensory algorithms in Sleep Genius help your brain get ready for sleep, guide your brain through each stage in the sleep cycle, and wake you with a gentle, refreshing alarm.

The Sleep Genius app was developed by experts in neuroscience, sleep, sound, and music following our research helping NASA get astronauts to sleep.

BENEFITS TO YOU: Enjoy the physical, emotional and mental benefits of a good night's sleep by letting our program help train your brain into its natural sleep rhythms.

WHAT THIS IS NOT: Not just another sleep app with static white noise and fake natural sounds that has ZERO effect on your brain's sleep centers. Nor is this just another sleep cycle or monitoring device that tells you how you slept…we actually help you sleep. We are the first app offing treatment for sleep deprivation.


"Finally, a scientific and neurologically sound sleep aid that is easy to use and all natural with no side effects"
Kamran Fallahpour, Ph.D
Clinical Psychologist/Neuroscientist
Brain Resource Center, NY

"Sleep is not simple unconsciousness. It is an extraordinarily complex and critical brain-controlled behavior that is harnessed by Sleep Genius"
Seth Horowitz, Ph.D
Neuroscientist and NASA Funded Sleep Researcher

“Tried the program for the first time tonight on my daughter who has a really difficult time falling asleep at night (upwards of 2 hours without a sleep aid)....I am beyond words in my took less than 20 minutes for her to be 'knocked out'!!"


1. SLEEP PROGRAM: Choose from 4 different sleep programs to help you get the optimal night's sleep.

2. ALARM: Sleep Genius gradually awakens you with a gentle 5 minute Revive Cycle scientifically created to help you wake to soothing sounds, welcoming you to a new day.

3. POWER NAP: Scientifically created for optimal brain rejuvenation. A daily power nap for 30 minutes could improve your alertness by 54%.
4. Relaxation Program. The Sleep Genius Relaxation Program reduces stress and anxiety by calming both the mind and the body.
5. Personalized Sleep Dashboard: emailed to you each week to track and continually improve your sleep.


Sleep Genius is available for: iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

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更新日時:2024年9月7日 00時15分




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