Ansel and Clair: Little Green Island

価格 240円
171.4MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
リリース日2013-07-25 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 6.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Dr. Toy 10 Best Children's Technology Products of 2013
Winner of a Parents' Choice Award - 2013
Dr. Toy 100 Best Children's Products of 2013

"One of the best science apps in iTunes" USA Today

"This app deserves to be on every kid’s iPad! …Little Green Island is the epitome of the much touted gamification approach for educational purposes" - Teachers with Apps

"5 Stars -This app seamlessly bakes its ecology learning into a sim that puts kids in charge of their learning. Ansel and Clair: Little Green Island is a fun, highly visual, and interactive way to connect kids with caring for the environment." CommonSense Media

"This is the epitome of a thoughtfully-designed, well-crafted app from an outstanding developer. It definitely earns a Top Pick"- Fun Educational Apps

Award winning Ansel & Clair series (20 awards) launches a groundbreaking educational game on the environment & pollution combining creation, problem solving, strategy and fun with stunning animations and interactivity.
◆ PLAY: 18 unique game levels, which combine fun, creativity & problem solving. Complete missions to unlock rewards. Clear trash, plant, water, move, sell trees, catch the coal plants dumping pollutants, clean and free birds stuck in oil, earn GreenBucks to buy your rewards (NO in-app purchases).

◆ CREATE: Your own Green utopia: plant 50+ trees, landscape accents and environment savers

◆ EXPERIENCE How changes around your island result in an increase in pollution (forest fire, air pollution from coal plants and vehicles, pesticides seeping into water, methane from cows, oil spill off the coast, acid rain, hole in the ozone

◆ SOLVE: Fix or mitigate environmental challenges:
√ Replace chemical pesticides on the farm with good bugs
√ Reduce carbon footprint – add a solar panels and windmills
√ Buy a skimmer to clean up an oil spill
√ Clean the birds covered in oil,
√ Add a bike path and public transportation to reduce vehicle pollution
√ Plant fast-growing miscanthus grass that can be used to make alternative fuels
… And much more…

◆ LEARN Through Multiple ways
√ Create, experience, fix, see, hear (dialog & songs), and read (Clairvision Deeper Dive fully supported by audio)
√ How changes outside your island still impact you as neighboring islands, Folksville and Smokey Island evolve and change over 18 game levels
√ From 9 fun little songs that explain pollutants]
√ Make real world connections: E.g., Oil Spill off Green Island – Exxon Valdez; Sign the 3 Island Protocol to stop using ozone products – Montreal Protocol

The app beautifully juxtaposes “a user created and nurtured Green Island” against a pollution-filled industrial town called Smokey Island, and a residential town called Folksville. As the user progresses through levels, see the farm disappear and replaced by a neighborhood, which eventually evolves into a big city. On Smokey Island, see the burnt down forest evolve into a pollution-filled industrial town.

To learn more about Ansel & Clair, visit

* Update for iOS7
* Better game play in important areas
* Bug fix for taking a photo
* Small bug fixes
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 12時19分




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