PhotoTorial PRO

価格 900円
開発者Chris McLennan
リリース日2013-05-19 14:47:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-02 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
PhotoTorial PRO is the full version of Chris McLennan’s extremely popular free app PhotoTorial.

PhotoTorial PRO is a professional photography app designed for all enthusiastic and aspiring photographers, brought to you by one of the world’s leading travel photographers Chris McLennan.

Containing everything you need to help you take your photography to the next level, including images, articles, an in-depth Travel Photography Tutorial and a Photography Field Guide. In total there are hundreds of pages of information and images, all put together by Chris in order to share with you his 25 years of commercial experience as a professional travel photographer.

Browse the ALBUMS section to share 80 of Chris’s favorite images from around the world - including camera settings and additional info for every single photo. All shown full screen in HD, the images alone are enough to inspire your photography to new heights.

Open the ARTICLES section to read 8 different articles written by Chris about his work, including images and behind the scenes stories from some of his more adventurous and exciting projects.

Read the Travel Photography TUTORIAL for an in-depth 30-page tutorial on how to become a professional travel photographer. Including how to start up and grow your own business, the logistics of travel photography, and how to be a better and more creative photographer. Written by Chris this is invaluable information from a working professional with 25 year’s commercial experience in the photographic industry.

Use the 30-page pocket FIELD GUIDE to improve your understanding of the basics of photography, including information on ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, Shooting Modes, Exposure, Composition, Lighting and more. With stunning image examples included to show you exactly how it is done.

And because the app doesn’t require an internet connection to run, once downloaded the information is always with you - even when you are off the beaten track and out of range (where all good travel photographers should be)!

Beautifully designed this app is not only informative, practical and extremely helpful; but it is a joy to use as you swipe through the various sections with full screen HD images and a stylish interface at your fingertips. Download it now, we guarantee you won’t be disappointed!

Watch a video demo of the app on our website at

Chris McLennan is a commercial travel photographer who works on photographic assignments all over the world. His 25 year career as a professional has seen him shoot in over 40 different countries to date! Which all adds up to make him one of the world’s most experienced and well-travelled “travel photographers”.

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更新日時:2024年9月2日 06時24分




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