Learn SwiftUI: Coding Tutorial

価格 無料
開発者嘉夫 张
リリース日2023-11-14 17:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 16.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Learn SwiftUI is your Interactive guide to mastering SwiftUI fast!

Embark on a swift and effective journey into SwiftUI with Learn SwiftUI, the app specially designed for iOS Developers who are short on time but eager to master SwiftUI. This app is a treasure trove of visual guides and interactive examples, making learning SwiftUI a breeze.

Why Learn SwiftUI?

- Tailored for Visual Learners: Explore hundreds of interactive SwiftUI code examples, making learning intuitive and engaging.
- Quick Learning Mechanism: Instant access to working examples and code snippets speeds up understanding and application.
- Global Accessibility: Crafted in simple English, the app is accessible to developers around the world, regardless of their first language.
- SwiftUI Made Easy: Uncover the core concepts of SwiftUI through a visually rich learning experience.
- Stay Updated: Integrates the latest Swift language updates impacting SwiftUI development.
- Deep Dive into Layouts: From Vertical and Horizontal Stacks to Depth Stacks and beyond, understand the core views that craft stunning UIs.
- Control Views Explained: Get hands-on with practical examples of essential SwiftUI controls like Button, DatePicker, NavigationView, and many more.
- Colors and Custom Paths: Learn the art of using colors effectively and drawing custom paths in SwiftUI.

Key Features:

- Interactive Content: Engage with the material interactively, a step beyond traditional learning methods.
- Visual Memory Enhancement: The use of visual aids bolsters memory retention and application of concepts.
- Flexible Learning Journey: Cater your learning experience to your individual pace and preference.
- Xcode Preview Integration: Learn to utilize Xcode features for previewing your SwiftUI designs effectively.
- Designed for All Levels: Whether you're starting out or honing your skills, this app is your companion in SwiftUI mastery.

Save Time, Excel More
Embrace a new era of learning SwiftUI. With Learn SwiftUI, you have a powerful visual aid at your fingertips. This app is not just a learning tool; it's a catalyst to accelerate your SwiftUI expertise.

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更新日時:2024年9月28日 12時17分




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