GMGN Wallet

価格 無料
開発者WeBot Limited
リリース日2023-09-29 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 13.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
GMGN Wallet is your best Degen crypto wallet ever!
Front-run to snipe next 100x #GEM #MEMECOIN by following the Smart Money and KOL Degen Calls.

Data-driven Degen Trading:
- Trading Signal × 44
- Smart Money × 10,000
- Tracking Degen Channels × 500
- Tracking KOL&VC Call Sources × 300
- More exclusive exploratory data clues are on the way!!

Explore Next 100X Gem Crypto Assets
- Instant Trend filtered by TXs
- Instant analysis of Smart Degen buy and sell txs on newly created tokens.
- Smart Degen buying trend
- Fresh Wallet buying trend
- KOL/VC buying trend

Follow KOLs, VCs, Smart Money to Earn
- Snipe with KOL Degen Calls
- Follow Smart Money buy/sell activities
- Track the interflows and outflows of smart money, fresh wallets, KOL, and VC.

Copy Trade
- Collect smart money and KOL crypto wallet address with high PnL (such as 2X, 3X profits in past 30 days)
- Copy trade with buy and sell instant trade activity alerts to front-run other Degens with high priority network gas fee to earn high ROI profits.

Real-time Honeypot Warnings
- Detection of token trade risks on chain by blocks, displaying Honeypot, High buy/sell taxes, and other potential fraudulent risks.
- Partnered with leading security detection tools like Goplus,

- Cross-chain support for crypto assets on chains like Ethereum, Base, Zksync, Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, Fantom, Solana, Avalanche, Linea and more.

More About GMGN You Should Know:
- Follow to Earn: GMGN users achieved up to 80% investment success by following experts & smart money.
- Discover new crypto assets: GMGN's system identifies 100+ investment opportunities daily, with over 70% yielding >120% ROI.
- Cross-chain: With GMGN's cross-chain supporting, you can quickly view assets on different chains.
- MPC wallet: GMGN's MPC wallet enhances security with advanced encryption, removing the need to remember mnemonic phrases and making Web3 accessible to all.

GMGN Brand Story:
GMGN Degen Everyday, a unique WEB3 brand, embodies "Good Morning, Good Night", signifying our unwaveringfocus on investments. Our goal: accessible cryptocurrency participation and the joy of investing.

Contact GMGN:
DM us on X @GMGNAI.
Any suggestions and feedback are welcome.

Price chart bug fixed.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 16時22分




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