3X3 Photo

価格 300円
358.2MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者attila LORANT
リリース日2013-05-05 08:19:34
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPad 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
The application is designed for IPad and represents the project of Attila Lorant called 3X3 52 486.

Please read the instructions before you start the application.
1.In the gallery you can swipe right and left between the pictures, the timing is set to approximately a second so the speed of the project is slow, please be patient. The content/title of the 3x3 matrix pictures comes up with clicking on them.
2.The Endless Matrix Menu starts an endless process that shows all the mathematical combination of the 486 pictures. There was a special endless music composed for this function.
3. In the video menu there is an experimental film that the filmmaker took approximately 7500 photos for. The second film contains a five minutes interview with the filmmaker.
The rest of the menu works straight forward.

The title of the project is based on the picture-compositions that are arranged into 3x3 matrices. The next set of figures in the title refers to the fact that I created one image each week of my past year. My photo-diary also contains 18 additional single photos that accompany the 52 images, so altogether it consists of 486 images.

My mosaic-diary-encyclopaedia entitled 3x3 is a personal project, a self-confession. It’s a meditative list of all the visual elements, emotions and thoughts that embrace my life. It’s a spiritual journey that shows how I lived through my illness, from the loss of hope to regaining it. It reflects my love of solitude and is a quiet reflection on life and passing away. It is a travel diary that does not guide us to geographical locations, but enables us to embark on an inner journey that maps the tiny details of the tangible material world around us, as well as the invisible emotional reality that surrounds us. I started working on this project in 2010 and two major issues played a decisive role in its final shape. The first factor was something that plays an important part in the lives of everyone - coincidence. The second aspect was my serious illness that dictated my options, confined my room for manoeuvre, and controlled my thoughts and feelings in an arbitrary manner for over a year.

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 13時52分




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