Golf Hazards Mind Training

価格 250円
113.0MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Luc Schmitt
リリース日2013-03-15 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-04 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Program Your Golf Mind For Success - Golf Hazards Aren't Just Bunkers and OB's, They're in Your Personality Too...

To Golfers Looking To Get An "Advantage" In Driving A Golf Ball For Distance And Accuracy Like A REAL Pro!

The Hitting Over Hazards Brainwave Entrainment App gives you everything you need to be able to swing like a golf pro.

The program quickly takes you from dreaming about the fastest way to shave 8-to-10 strokes off each round to doing it, with three audio tracks including:

=> A 10 minute Soundscape (meditation) track created to help you FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION and RELAX - complete with Brainwave Entrainment frequencies built right in.

=> A 30 minute Brainwave Entrainment track specifically designed to TRAIN your mind to place the PERFECT SHOT out and across.

=> A 20 minute Unbelievable Hypnotic Affirmations track - equipped with revolutionary Brainwave Entrainment frequencies - putting you in a PURE STATE OF FLOW and will help you enter the ZONE.

With our superstar, revolutionary and highly modified technique of brainwave entrainment, you will begin to play better than you EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE - without ever messing up another crucial fairway shot for a long as you live!

In fact, using the Hitting Over Hazards Brainwave Entrainment Set will give you instant access to the SECRET SKILLS of professional-level golfers that will guarantee you to save par.

Brainwave entrainment unleashes the motivation you need to "focus" and consistently hit over hazards.

Here's a quick recap on what's included:

=> Learn how to stay easily stay FOCUSED and in the ZONE no matter what hazard you come up against...

=> Discover the secrets of playing the shots you know you are capable of...

=> Knock 8-to-10 strokes off your next round...

=> Quit Slicing Forever...

=> Get so good with power and accuracy that you'll be adding dozens of laser-accurate yards to your tee shots...

=> And drive the golf ball for distance and precision like a Pro!

=> Golf Tips FlashCards

Scientifically Proven Audio Technology Lets You Re-Program Your Subconscious Mind To Ignore Past Mistakes And Instantly Begin Hitting Over Hazards Effortlessly!

How Do You Use "Golf Hazards Mind Training" ?

Using "Golf Hazards Mind Training" couldn't be any simpler. Simply listen to the audios consistently. That's it! Maybe you are a morning person - listen to them then. Maybe you want to listen before you go to sleep - that's totally up to you!

Remember that this is scientifically proven! Master Your Golf Mind Today.

Get this app NOW! Price will go up to $4.99 in a couple weeks!

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更新日時:2024年6月4日 02時28分




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