The Greenhouse Growers Toolbox Lite

価格 無料
開発者Graeme Smith
リリース日2013-01-12 04:51:14
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 6.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
"Greenhouse Growers Toolbox” was developed for commercial & hobby greenhouse or hydroponic growers for everyday system design or management use.

This is the Free lite Version of the Greenhouse Growers Toolbox, it includes 5 Calculators;

- Acid or Product Dosing
Calculate treatment PPM or volume (litres) of various products/acids when added to water

- Greenhouse Area & Volume
Calculate area (m²) or volume (m³) of greenhouse structures

- Dripper Timing and Volume
Calculate greenhouse irrigation flows, rates & volumes (media based dripper systems only!)

- Greenhouse Radiation & Light Units
Compare and convert common light (radiation) units used in greenhouse horticulture (inc. kLux, W/m2, J/cm2 and mol/m2/h)

- Common Elemental Conversions
Converts common elements to/from pure form (PPM only!) and lists common atomic weights

The Complete App is a suite of 12 calculators that also includes;

- Boiler Fuel Cost
Calculate and compare costs of various greenhouse boiler fuels ($ per GigaJoule of energy)

- Hydronic Boiler Calculations
Estimate minimum required greenhouse boiler size (in kW and MCal/hr)

- Irrigation Pump Capacity
Calculate required greenhouse irrigation pump capacity & maximum number of solenoid valves (media based dripper systems only!)

- Irrigation Rate Targets
Calculate greenhouse irrigation volumes based on area, dripper rates and light sum, and compare to actual irrigation volume delivered over the same period

- Greenhouse Nutrient Deficiency Chart
Use the flowchart to determine in a systematic way which element/s may be causing deficiency symptoms in the leaves. (Includes typical examples of leaf deficiency)

- Greenhouse Nutrient Feed Recipe Guidelines
Standard feed recipe guidelines for both Open and Recirculation media based hydroponic systems (in PPM and mmol/µmol) and includes most common greenhouse vegetable crops

- Greenhouse Nutrient Drain Reference Guidelines
Enter laboratory analysis of your hydroponic drain water and compare to reference guidelines for your vegetable crop (in PPM and mmol/µmol) and includes automatic EC correction

This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate.

- Bug Fixes
- Updates to copy
- 2 new calculators added
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 17時22分




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