Christmas Origami & Song

価格 120円
開発者ben jason
リリース日2012-12-11 06:10:26
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互換性iOS 4.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-14 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Origami is such a wonderful activity for Christmas time – to create something beautiful with your very own hands while being with your loved ones – just perfect for this time of year.

And the best thing about origami decorations and gifts is they are so cheap to make! Most of the models in the pictures below are made with scraps of gift paper, and leftover origami paper... and yet they look so lovely!


* This App consists of 24 models such as Santa Claus, Reindeer, Tree, Wreath, and so on.

* each models are accompanied by a fitting Christmas song

* it has everything you need for a Christmas presentation in origami including a candy cane, and even Christmas gifts like a train-set and a nut-cracker, among others.

* Support Facebook and Twitter Share.

* master it easy and quickly

We have also collected together some fun Christmas origami models to enjoy with your kids. You can use them to decorate your house, your parcels, or your tree - or you can make Christmas cards and gift tags, fridge magnets, bookmarks ... we are sure you can think of some more good ideas!


1 Santa Claus Face
2 Reindeer Face
3 Santa Claus
4 Reindeer
5 Angel
6 Snowman
7 Candle
8 candy cane
9 train-set
10 Four-Leaf Clover
11 Heart
12 Four Pointed Star
13 Eight Pointed Star
14 Apple
15 Glass Ball
16 House
17 Gift Box
18 Sleigh
19 Bell
20 Ribbon
21 nut-cracker
22 Tree
23 Holly Leaf & Fruit
24 Wreath

Christmas is about giving your love and your time... so spend some quality time with your loved ones creating origami, and you'll find out for yourself what an enjoyable activity it is!

Origami, which involves using the fingers and carefully folding paper by following the instructions, has the effect of a concentration and endurance exercise. Conversely, by thinking of your own way to fold the paper, and by changing the color or size of the paper, it will stimulate your brain and develop your curiosity and imagination. When you finish your work, you'll feel a sense of joy and achievement, and you will want to try it again. Let's start by looking through the instructions in this guide, and have fun folding!

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更新日時:2024年6月14日 20時18分




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