Spanish Puzzles – play and learn with PONS

価格 200円
開発者Mobilinga GmbH
リリース日2012-10-23 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 5.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-03 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Play. Learn. Have fun!

TopTenReviews: "Good Way to improve your Spanish Language skills!"

Do you like doing puzzles and want to learn Spanish the fun and motivating way? If that’s the case, this app is the ideal way to practise your Spanish.

Spanish Puzzles offers a broad variety of puzzles in three levels of difficulty from lightweight to heavyweight. Puzzle and play – you’ll barely notice that you are learning Spanish at the same time.

12 different puzzle types with approx. 1000 different words in all will guarantee you make rapid progress and have fun while you’re at it.
The high score list adds to the excitement: Great for the whole family! You can beat your own or your friends' high scores, time and again!

Please also watch our Video:

Winner of the renowned “Gigamaus” (Germany)
iPad App of the week in Germany
No. 1 educational app in several countries


Who is this app especially suited for?
This app is for everyone who enjoys solving puzzles or wants to brush up their Spanish while playing. Perfect puzzle fun on the go!

About the puzzles:
The puzzles are designed with broad variety in mind. They are sorted by colour to indicate the level of difficulty (Lightweight, Middleweight and Heavyweight) thus allowing you to quickly find puzzles that suit your language skills. You can select the puzzles by type or by level. This way you’ll always find just the right puzzle.

Points are awarded for each puzzle you solve. At the end of the puzzle you find out how many points you scored. SNOPs also indicate how well you’ve mastered a puzzle - SNOPs are medals awarded to you after you’ve scored a certain number of points.
Up to six players can register and puzzle away in this app. A player podium in the high score list shows each player's current scores and the number of puzzles they’ve solved.

The puzzles:
+ Rebus (picture puzzle)
+ Crossword
+ Word puzzle
+ PONS Memo
+ Anagrams (two different puzzle types with mixed-up words)
+ Odd one out (two different puzzle types)
+ Syllable Puzzle
+ PONS Bingo
+ Logical
+ What's missing?


Which devices does the app run on?
The PONS puzzle apps run on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad with iOS 4.0 and higher.

User language: English
Target language: Spanish


These puzzle apps have been developed by PONS in cooperation with Mobilinga GmbH. PONS stands for high quality learning content and long-standing experience in creating language learning products. Mobilinga GmbH stands for innovative and user-friendly mobile applications.

Adjustments for iOS8
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月3日 22時45分




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