Marble Math Addition

価格 120円
リリース日2012-08-12 05:33:31
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.0以降が必要です。
iPad 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
About Marble Math

The object of Marble Math is to complete addition problems using marbles as manipulatives. The main activity is Marble Math, which provides addition practice. There are also two separate bonus activities. Bonus activities must be unlocked by completing rounds in Marble Math.

Marble Math

The object of Marble Math is to complete addition problems using manipulatives. There are eight rounds in Marble Math with ten questions per round. Rounds one through eight get progressively more difficult as the sum becomes greater in each round.

Children are encouraged to use marbles to help solve the addition problems. There are two large empty rectangles joined by an addition symbol. Children can drag marbles to and from the rectangles and press the addition symbol to view the sum. The sum will appear in the hint box to the right of the rectangular boxes. NOTE: The hint box feature can be turned off in settings.

Bonus Activities

There are two bonus activities: My Marbles and Make Ten.

My Marbles

My Marbles is an unstructured sandbox activity that gives children the opportunity to interact with one to one hundred marbles. The activity allows for children to draw and erase lines and shapes that can be used to interact with the marbles. While children may like to simply make smiley faces, parents and teachers can challenge with various prompts:

-How many marbles are there of each color?
-Are there more red marbles than yellow marbles?
-Is the amount of marbles odd or even?
-Sort the marbles by color.
-Which color marbles do you have the most of?
-Which color marbles do you have the fewest of?

Make Ten

Make Ten is a structured activity in the format of a game. The object of the game is to combine two marbles that have a sum of ten. Children must add the value of the marble the pirate is holding with the value of individual marbles falling from the sky. Children must slide the pirate from side to side to catch or avoid marbles.

Marble Math Addition:

- Does not contain third-party ads.
- Does not contain in-app purchases.
- Does not contain integration with social networks.
- Does not use analytics/data collection tools.
- Does include links to apps by in the iTunes App Store.

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更新日時:2024年9月28日 19時21分




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