Burn the Meal - “Universal Edition”

価格 無料
開発者Pafers Tech Co., Limited.
リリース日2012-09-25 17:07:53
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 5.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
***Burn the Meal Universal Edition works with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch***

Trying to get in shape or lose weight? Want an easy way to track how many calories you eat and burn off through exercise? Then Burn the Meal is the app for you!

Burn the Meal is a fun and exciting app that is great to use if you are on a diet or watching calories. The app makes it simple to track both how many calories you eat each month and also how many you burn during exercise sessions with PAFERS enabled treadmills, bicycles and ellipticals.*

*PAFERS enabled fitness equipment must be purchased separately.
**A data connection is needed in order to save your workout results.

***Eat healthy with monthly tracking of calories***
– App has a large built-in food and calorie database so that you can create a monthly food journal.
– Option to add new foods not in database (can also include a picture).
– Option to star foods as “favorites” for easy selection.
– Easily add new new events (meals) any time you eat.
– App shows both daily and monthly calories you have eaten.

***Burn calories on PAFERS enabled fitness machines***
– Connect your iOS device to a PAFERS enabled fitness machine to start burning calories.
– Select a specific meal you want to burn or click the “Burn” button to get started burning.
– Workout stats from Burn the Meal will be synced with your PAFERS ID, which will allow you to track all of your workout results online if you are using other PAFERS apps.

***Fun and Traditional modes***
– Burn the Meal has both fun and traditional viewing modes while using the “Burn” feature.
– Fun Mode: Has animations to keep you entertained during your workouts. You can also control your fitness equipment in Fun Mode. Click on the sun and cloud to increase and decrease resistance respectively.
– Traditional Mode: See all your important workout stats in traditional mode.

***Get in shape with monthly tracking of calories burned***
– App shows total monthly calories that have been been burned and includes useful graphs and charts.
– Detailed stats make it fun and simple to set targets and track calories burned during the month.
– Monthly stats are updated after each workout.

***Track overall results to accomplish goals***
– Can see total workout stats since the app was downloaded, including total time, total distance, total calories, average rpm, max rpm.
– Useful to track total performance and progress to see if you are achieving your goals.

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 08時23分




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