価格 無料
開発者3D Animator, Michal Barta
リリース日2012-11-30 10:34:12
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
PARAZINE is a Czechoslovak creative platform introducing a 3D walk-through gallery “PARAZINE 3D” conjoined with 2D catalogue “PARAZINE”. It’s an innovative form to support outstanding and emerging indie designers and labels and a way to present the creative work of young and fresh talents from the Czech and Slovak Republics.

PARAZINE is a self-published multi-genre “zine”, it was created as a result of do-it-together non-profit initiative. It wants to introduce and support an independent design alternative opposed to the sickening mediocrity and dullness of the omnipresent copycat trends. It showcases a selection of unique and fresh local design while introducing the global audience and possible customers or retailers to its potential.

PARAZINE is open virtual space for designers, photographers, musicians and other artists. The very first issue is called PARAZIT ISSUE as it focuses on long-term friends and favourites of Prague-based PARAZIT Fashion Shop. It portrays five designers – Catapult, Deaf Messanger, Hůza Design, Jelení Šperky and Yana Thal, fashion photographer Nikola Šrajerová and music band N.O.H.A. All written by independent bloggers from Jedenáct koček and brought to life by 3DA.

We are presenting something quirky and something cute, a bit of macabre and a bit of street... and we hope this mix won’t make you dizzy!

PARAZINE strives to be your visual antidote to ennui. Take your antidote pill and enjoy the ride :)


- free movement in 3D space
Left Control – move forward, backward
Right Control – turn around
Touch Logo – zoom
- collision 3D objects (some hidden ;)
- interactivity
- music
- photo gallery

In the future we intend to continue developing this project, so you can look forward to more interactivity, mini games or video sequences. Feel free to write us your ideas and comments and affect the content of the next issue. We appreciate your feedback.

For better performance of 3D applications I recommend to double tap the home button. You will see all of your open apps. Then press and hold an app, and press red round button to exit it. Otherwise the app will always remain in memory.

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 17時26分




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