
価格 無料
リリース日2012-06-14 12:25:46
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 5.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
SWeb is a very lightweight web browser on iPhone. We cannot find an easy-to-use
simple web browser in App Store, so we decided to write one on our own. SWeb is
of course not the best iPhone web browser, but it should be the right one for
someone like us.

SWeb includes those features (short version) :
** Simple and lightweight.
** QR Code Scanner to enter URL
** Bump to exchange web pages.
** Mobile-friendly page layout.
** Disabled orientation.
** Full screen.
** Basic history and bookmark support.
** Allow to disable history.
** Easy search in search engine, wikipedia, and in-web-page.
** Support safe browsing.

Comments, feature requests, bug reports, and critiques are all welcome:
- E-mail: doublewapp@gmail.com
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/doublewapp

SWeb includes those features (long version) :
** Simple and lightweight: SWeb only allow to browse one web page at any given
time. Those multi-tab browsers tend to be slow. What we really need is not
multitasking in a mobile web browser. We just want to focus, and get things
** QR Code Scanner to enter URL. SWeb leverages ZBar (http://zbar.sourceforge.net/)
to support QR Code scanning, which makes URL entering super easy. You can
either open the resulted url or bookmark the url. Bookmarking the url is
very convenient when you are offline.
** Bump to exchange web pages: We find in some cases we want to exchange what we
are browsing with friends around us. SWeb leverages Bump technology to allow
easy exchange of web pages. I'm browsing A in SWeb, you are browsing B in
SWeb; after we bump our iPhone, I'm browsing B and you are browsing A!
** Mobile-friendly page layout: SWeb leverages technique from readability.com to
transform current web page into mobile-friendly layout, what we need to do is
just a touch on the R button.
** Disabled orientation: We usually lie in bed or sofa to use iPhone, and we find
that the auto-orientation in most browsers is quite annoying.
** Full screen: why not have a larger screen realestate for browsing?
** Basic history and bookmark support: Some lightweight mobile web browsers are
too simple to have history and bookmark support. But we need them. So SWeb
has them.
** Allow to disable history: Sometimes we just don't want to record the browsing
history. So, we should be able to disable / enable history in an easy way.
** Easy search in search engine, wikipedia, and in-web-page. All search keywords
can be typed in the place to type url.
** Support safe browsing. You can configure SWeb to clear all browsing data when
exiting it.

- Fixed the out-of-position buttons in full screen mode
- Fixed the bug that cannot clear all history records
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 20時18分




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