MyDutyDay HD - The Flying Duty Calculator for Pilots and Flight Attendants

価格 300円
開発者Richard Birch
リリース日2012-06-01 12:20:16
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 6.0以降が必要です。
iPad 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
MyDutyDay HD is a Crew Duty calculator designed specifically for Commercial Pilots and Flight Attendants.

NOTE: This version is designed for iOS 6. There is an iOS 7 only version also available.

Cutting through the complexity of applying Flight Time Limitations to a crew members' working day, MyDutyDay HD focuses on the immediate Flying Duty period and answers the two vital questions most important to a Professional Aircrew:

1. At this Report Time, what is the latest time I can legally work until?

2. Having worked a Duty, how much Rest do I need before my next flight?

By simply entering a 'Report Time' and the number of 'Sectors' operated, MyDutyDay HD calculates the maximum length the Flying Duty can be and displays the 'Latest On Chocks' time allowable, indicating at what time the crew member must be landed and off-duty.

Entering an 'Actual On Chocks' time, post-flight, will calculate the 'Actual Duty Period' worked and indicate the 'Earliest Report' time for the next flight, even accounting for Minimum Rest and the length of Duty just worked.

MyDutyDay HD also considers Standby duties, Split Rest and In-Flight Relief (Seat and Bunk Rest). Enter the hours already worked or Rest Periods taken during the Flying Duty and MyDutyDay(A) adjusts the Duty, the Actual Duty and the required Crew Rest accordingly!

It is the responsibility of the individual crew member to ensure they are rested and 'in hours' for any flight they operate. MyDutyDay HD is the quickest way to check you're 'in hours' for your flight when 'called out' from Standby, Positioning, Delayed before departure or down route. If you find yourself returning to base later than planned, it's also quick and easy to ensure you're still in hours for you're next rostered flight.

MyDutyDay HD is simple to use and easy to understand, requiring very little input to quickly answer the most important crewing questions. It comes with preset defaults and Acclimatised Flying Duty Period tables, based on CAP371 and EU-OPS.

Use MyDutyDay HD to check you're 'in hours' before you fly and prior to your next flight.

Included FTL Schemes for UK Airlines, Pilots and Cabin Crew:
Aurigny Air Services, BA CityFlyer, Blue Islands, bmi, British Airways, Eastern Airways, easyJet, FlyBe,, Monarch Airlines, Thomas Cook Airlines, ThomsonFly, Titan Airways and Virgin Atlantic.

Also includes Standard FTL Schemes for UK CAP371/EU-OPS Single Pilot Ops and EU Bizjet Ops.

New, searchable Airport Finder view, with details of nearly 9,500 global airports included.

- updated Info views.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 19時21分




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