Stress Relief 2

価格 200円
開発者Breakthrough The Fear
リリース日2012-08-16 03:33:51
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-26 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Are you looking for stress relief? Are you looking for the next stress management technique? Do you want to be stress free? Well read on to find out why this 'Stress Relief' app is so very different, and could be the perfect stress relief app out there on the app store..

We've all been in situations where we've felt stressed at work or in business, and wanted some kind of stress relief to help us feel stress free throughout our work day. Whether it is that annoying boss, whether it's one of those annoying collegaues, you get the idea. Sometimes all we need is some kind of stress relief, time out to just recuperate and recover from the stressful situation.
Latest stats at work show now more than ever people are being focrced to work harder. Maybe that's you; Maybe that's why your here. Your tired of being frustrated and stressed at work, and haven't found anything that can just help you. Maybe you tried the latest 'stress check' or 'stress management' app or the latest 'stress kit' app, that just didn't deliver.

I know how you feel. There is nothing out there that is quick and easy to use to just relax you, during your tea break, and when all you need is just five minutes, it can be hard to know where to turn.

This Full version of the app features:

*A unique never before released 5mins 49sec instant relax session. It is the most powerful stress relief session i've ever recorded.

*14 minute Instant Relax session, that is even longer and more powerful than the 5 minute, stress relief recording. Use at work, however is best for you.

*The 18 page information busting ebook includes:
1)The number one thing you need to do to be free from stress
2) Whose in charge of your thoughts.
3)What you can do when you're upset and stressed at work.
4) The shocking truth about relaxation in five minutes.

* You get the full 20 minute mp3 recording of the 18 page ebook. Listen whenever you want to aid your understanding of the concepts in this app.

*You get my twitter feed

*You get my RSS Feed and access my blogs covering a huge range of topics to do with Fear/Phobia/Anxiety.

*Contact me easily

*And get my YouTube videos straight to your phone, as and when i record them.

Alot of people just buy an app, and expect it to work miracles and instantly cure them. Others just buy an app, and quickly give it a go, find it of no use and want their money back. These same people are the ones that wonder why their life doesn't change, and constantly blame other people for what's going on in their lives.
Those that will benefit from this app are those that will really go through the information, really apply themselves and use the materials until they get the results they want. If you are not serious about changing your life, and are not serious about using these materials in this app and applying yourself, then please do not buy this app, you are wasting your money.
If you are serious about changing your life, and serious about applying yourself and having a whatever it takes attitude to getting past your stress at work, then i would like to personally congratulate you, and welcome you on board. For you are the type of person that will get what they want out of life whatever it takes, and achieve you goal of being stress free.
Thank you for reading

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-Bug fix
-Performence is now even better
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更新日時:2024年6月26日 17時04分




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