
価格 無料
開発者Studio Moderna Group
リリース日2012-05-10 11:04:54
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Sleep defines the quality of our lives; Dormeo team always aspires to please your needs and wishes. Don’t make compromises when it comes to night’s rest and demand only the best. Get convinced that you can sleep better! Dormeo offers you relaxing nature sounds for a good night sleep without tossing and turning, personalized alarm clock and product configurator (your personal assistant) to be sure you make the right choice of mattress, pillow or duvet! Everyone deserves a quality sleep, it shouldn’t be a privilege. And once you find the right item, Dormeo suggests you Dormeo Studio’s route planner for easiest and shortest way to your mattress, pillow or duvet.
Dive into the Dormeo App, discover the better, deeper and longer sleep and wake up to a brighter day.

-product configurator (step by step assistance to the right choice of mattress, pillow or duvet)
-tranquil alarm clock
-route planner – shops finder
-relaxing sounds for your better night sleep

EASY TO USE: try out our easy, step by step product configurator that will help you choose the mattress, pillow or duvet that will perfectly fit your body and meet your needs. If you dreamed about cosy mattress, from now on you’ll dream only sweet dreams. We will help you change the way you sleep for better and for ever.


Un somn odihnitor defineste calitatea vietii. Noi, cei de la Dormeo, dorim sa-ti indeplinim visele si dorintele si iti spunem ca nu trebuie sa faci compromisuri cand vine vorba despre un somn de calitate. Convinge-te ca poti dormi mai bine! Dormeo iti ofera sunete relaxante din natura pentru a adormi usor, alarma personalizata si configurator de produse usor de folosit pentru a fi sigur ca faci cea mai buna alegere a saltelei, pernei sau pilotei. Cu totii meritam o noapte buna, nu ar trebui sa fie un privilegiu, iar odata ce ai identificat cele mai bune produse pentru tine, iti aratam si drumul catre cel mai apropiat magazin Dormeo. Descopera aplicatia Dormeo, descopera un somn mai bun, mai profund si mai odihnitor si trezeste-te zi de zi cu zambetul pe buze.

-configurator produse (asistenta pas cu pas pentru a identifica salteaua, perna sau pilota ideala)
-alarma de trezire personalizata
-harta cu magazinele Dormeo
-sunete relaxante din natura pentru a adormi mai usor

USOR DE FOLOSIT: incearca acum configuratorul de produse Dormeo, ce iti ofera asistenta pas cu pas si te va ajuta sa identifici ce saltea, perna sau pilota ti se potriveste cel mai bine. Daca ai visat la cea mai confortabila saltea, de acum visul va deveni realitate. Vom redefini conceptul de confort si iti vom oferi cel mai placut somn, intotdeauna.

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 19時17分




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