Lightroom Basics Free Edition

価格 無料
141.9MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Serge Ramelli
リリース日2012-02-01 05:55:45
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 6.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-03 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
***** WARNING *****
To have audio on the app you need to switch your phone from silent mode to normal mode. The videos play without audio when the phone is on silent mode.

Learn how to master Lightroom with a pro photographer in simple terms. No technical jargon used without a simple explanation. More importantly get straight to work retouching your photos. Start making your pictures awesome today.

The free edition has about 1 hour of tutorials, you can get all the tutorials with the purchase of the full app. You will also get a link to download all the raw files to practice.

- Are you tired of all the theory and technical jargon you have to wade through before getting to the point?

- Do you want to master the industry-leading digital darkroom in no time ?

- Do you want tutorials that are easy to understand and fun ?

This tutorial is probably what you are looking for.

Serge Ramelli is a renowned French photographer and one of the best selling teachers of Lightroom in France. Now get his tutorials with this simple app in English.

Serge is a known for his very unique way of teaching, with 2 main rules :

1. No technical terms explained with technical words, but with simple english.

2. No theory, practical and visual examples only.

Some comments:
I could put Lightroom to use immediately... *****
“What I like in these Lightroom tutorials is the practical approach from a real photographer’s viewpoint. I’ve discovered useful functions of Lightroom so I could put the software to use immediately. A great training for any amateur photographer that wants to learn how to use Lightroom 3.”

I’ve got two masters in post-production Scott Kelby and Serge Ramelli... *****

“Clear and well explained tutorials.”

Anyone can learn... *****
“Very nice approach to Lightroom. Many well explained situations. One tends to start using them right away. Training that anyone can learn.”

Even though I’m a graphic designer...
“I’ve been following Serge’s tutorials for a year. Everyone is great, even though I’m a graphic designer I recommend them to everyone.

Summary of the videos:

Chapter one : Importing photos
Simple and fast explanations on how to import your photos into Lightroom.

Chapter two : Retouching part 1
Without going into any theory we jump right into retouching 4 photos, and this way we explore all the main functions

You will get 5 extra chapters with the full version.

This version is made compatible with iOS 8 and updated design.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月3日 21時33分




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